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Today? what is today? the all valley under 18 karate tournament. Hell yeah i'm excited. Miguel isn't really looking forward to it but he is happy that he gets to blow off some steam.

"Hey babe" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a kiss on my cheek, I smiled up at hawk, We are all already here in front of the Arena just waiting for sensei.

"yo Miguel, Calm down man. Save some for the tournament." Miguel only gave him a side glare and continued punching the air "Yeah he's been at that all morning"

"Hey, Dont even bother, He's been super aggro ever since the breakup" Aisha stated and she's not wrong only time when he was a softie was when we made up last night after that he kinda built up this cold exterior.

"Where's sensei?" Hawk asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders "The tournament's going to start soon" I leaned into his side and was met with his scent, God he smelled good.

"He'll be here" Aisha barley finished her sentence when Bert spoke up "I don't know about that." I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What are you talking about?" Aisha asked clearly just as confused as hawk and i "I saw him last night at the mini-mall, I was buying a..." Little mans hesitated before speaking again "a carton of milk...When i heard him in the parking lot, Yelling" I raised my eyebrows, Why on earth would sensei be yelling?

Bert continued telling us what he saw, apparently sensei was drunk and yelling something about father, Doesnt make sense. "Why didn't you tell us this earlier?"

"I don't know, I guess i'm just used to seeing him drunk, It didn't seem like a big deal" Bert does have a point there i mean Sensei is almost drunk every day..

"Well we're here and he's not it's officially a big deal" Hawk panicked, I turned my head to look at him and kissed his cheek, Baby is anxious but he doesn't want people to catch on huh.. "What if something happened to him?"

"Like what?" Hawks freaking the poor kid out but i don't blame him, He's nervous as well. "Like he drove his car off a cliff, Or bought a gun and blew his brains out" I scrunched my nose up at hawk. Sensei would never do that.."No sensei would never kill himself"

"that's too pussy a move" I added to aisha's sentence since she didn't have a point "Whatever i mean we're here, We're gonna have to do this without him"

"Do what without me?" I smiled at the voice, Johnny Lawrence never disappoint does he? We all turned our heads to look at the voice "sensei" Aisha almost sounded surprised.

"We didn't think you were gonna show up" Johnny's eyes flickered to me almost as if asking if i thought so as well, I just smirked and shrugged "I may not always win but i never back out of a fight"

"Alright let's sign up." Miguel's voice caught everyone's attention, Ohh he sounds extra moody. "Not yet, Theres one more lesson i have to teach you."


"You've all learned to strike first, To be aggressive, Not be losers, I taught you to strike hard, Put every ounce of your power behind everything you do." Johnny paused his speech while making eye contact with every single one of his students.

He made us all stand in a circle so that he can be in the middle for his speech "But i haven't taught you the third rule of cobra kai "No mercy" The older you get the more you're gonna learn that life isn't fair. You wake up one morning feeling great, and then life throws a spinning heel kick to your balls, Takes a big steaming shit in your mouth" I scrunched my nose up. Did he really have to say the last part? Judging by everyones facial expressions they didn't like that either.

"You get an "F" on a test, you get suspended. You fall in love with a girl and some other dude comes and steals her away" Johnny's eyes glanced over to Miguel who just nodded while looking down, Looks like Hawk also agreed since he threw an arm around my shoulder protectively.

"Car gets set on fire. Just when you think things are going good everything falls apart. That's how it goes. Life shows no mercy, So neither do we. We do whatever it takes to keep our heads above water, We do whatever it takes to keep moving forward, We do whatever it takes to win! Remember who you are. You're badass! You don't give a shit! You kick ass! You're Cobra kai."

"Cobra kai!" Miguel's sudden voice boomed attracting everyone attention, He's finally in a good mood eh? "Yeah!" We all yelled after

"All right guys. Let's get down there and kick the shit out of everybody!" Everyone's yelled 'yeah' again but i just stayed silent admiring the way we all came together and agreed on everything.

My eyes landed on Miguel rapidly taking out his white Gi "No. You're not wearing those." Johnny smiled. "Actually i really feel the need to embarrass someone after that speech" Sensei scanned everyone in the circle looking for someone to make fun of. his eyes landed on hawk and i. Uh oh

Sensei smirked, Okay now i'm in trouble what is it? He walked up to us and pointed at my... neck? "Nice hickey Ms. Diaz" I felt my face heat up and can feel everyone stare at me, I looked up at hawk and our eyes met.

We glared at each other playfully and jumped apart fast. Funny how Mom didn't realise but Sensei did, Whats more funny is the fact that he hasn't killed Hawk yet.. Key word YET.

The students began to laugh when they saw our flushed faces, Aisha wiggled her eyebrows at me, Her i don't mind since she saw hawk and I make out at the party. Miguel glared at Hawk and about two other students in Cobra kai also glared at him. Jesus do they have a death wish? Three other boys looked down at the ground with sad expressions? Okay what's up with everyone? They all knew hawk and i were dating.

"Anyway.. Uhm thanks for exposing me. I'm going to go get dressed in my new badass Gi Goodbye." Not leaving anyone any time to say something i grabbed Aishas arm and dragged her off to the changing rooms.


Hey everyone sorry about not updating, I've been busy, School starts tomorrow but i'm not going since i have an interview the 4th of Feb to get into a school since i was homeschooled.. I'll definitely see if i can update more now since i'll be free for a while.

Anyway i hope y'all like the story so far it's pretty hard to stay motivated lol.

anyway I cant wait for the next chapter i'm so excited!


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