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Johnny had already made all the kids line up, The crew in the front the rest in the back "Class, We have a visitor. This is Mr. Kreese. He's just an observer. Pretend like he's not even here. Me. Diaz, Warm them up."

Miguel walked to the front, Angel a really knowing their plan she wasn't going to be apart of it anymore, Something about this old man has sparked a fire in her as if she feels obligated to make him proud.

To make him see that shes git fire and she's a firecracker, She feels the need to impress him. Why? she doesn't know it's just a gut feeling.

They all bowed "Fighting positions!" Angel made sure to keep her posture steady and her fists just right "Front kick. Yuh!" They all did their kick, some failed some tried and some successfully did it "Forward strike. Yuh!" This was one of angels best moves, She loves it. Striking her arm out it seems as if everyone went in slow motion, She focused on making her arm perfectly straight and holding her fists steady. She felt his eyes on her.

"Side dab. Yuh!" They all dabbed but Angel being the smarter one stayed in her fighting position to prove a point. Everyone started laughing but angel could notice the steam start coming from sensei Lawrence's ears. He looked to the ground in shame and to kreese then back up to his students, a small smile spread on his face when he noticed angel was still standing on command, he whipped the smiled off before talking "what the hell was that?"

"We we're just messing around. We have 11 and a half months until the next all valley" Miguel made an excuse "yeah, besides, we already know how to kick ass" Hawk defended his best friend as he throws an arm around his girlfriend, everyone started chuckling while angel just kept a straight face. "i need to impress them" she thought to herself.

"Oh yeah, really huh? So you know everything. There's nothing left to learn huh?" Aisha giggled right after johnny said those words. Sensei walked right in front of her "whats so funny, Ms. Robinson?" he asked as he clenched his jaw waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry sensei. You just wouldn't understand. Aisha told him looking at the ground only adding more fuel to the fire "try me." Aisha hesitated for a second before finally giving in "it's a snake-do" she let out while chuckling everyone else started giggling while angel only just shook her head in disappointment.

"What's a snake-do?" sensei asked. Everyone in the dojo started doing weird hand movements hissing like snakes. Kreese wasn't impressed one bit, Only one student in this entire dojo has showed some respect.

He already has big big big plans for Angel. "Quite!" Sensei yelled out, Silence filled the dojo, not one peep, not one squeak, no nothing. "5am tomorrow morning. Corner of Fulton and Raymer. You dont show, and you're off the team. Classes dismissed." Johnny stormed into his office Mr. Kreese joining him shortly after sending a smile to Angel.

The young brunette felt proud of herself, She wasn't involved, On top of that shes made a big impression on not only Sensei Lawrence but Mr. Kreese too, Something about that man is awakening something massive in Angel.


The next morning everyone was up early and ready for the work out, But whet Johnny has git planned for them isn't exactly what they thought it would be.

Angel was standing next to johnny watching as the losers started mixing cement. Yeahhhh she got out of it because she wasn't apart of their dumb little act, besides she's the favourite anyway. "Sensei why are we mixing cement? and why isn't she doing it?" Miguel asked giving me the eyes "No questions." Sensei paused before throwing an arm around angels shoulders "and she doesn't have to do it because she's got brains." Miguel rolled his eyes and went back to work not bothering to even argue.

"Keeps stirring shitheads!" Angel yelled as her and johnny walked away from the stinky ones standing next to Mr. Kreese, Angel in the middle and johnny on her right side "Their muscles are gonna ache, sure, But if you wanna make em tough, You gotta give em something to be afraid of. No ones afraid of a little cement." Kreese pointed out while folding his arms and watching the miserable teenagers at their work. "They will be." Johnny said awfully cocky.

Right after those words left his mouth a cement truck came driving in sounding the horn to make it's presence aware to everyone around. An old man in a work uniform got out the truck and walked to Johnny "thanks, cutter. I'll take it from here." The mans eyes wandered over to the teenaged and his smile dropped.

"Hey you didn't say nothing about no kids Johnny." The mad wasn't to impressed with the fact that Johnny didn't mention it, He could lose his job right about now "Hey you want your bar table paid off or not?" Johnny guilt tripped the poor man causing him to second guess whatever plans he was planning "You get caught. You take the heat" The man said shoving the keys into johnny's chest storming off.


"You think winning the All Valley gives you the right to goof off? Well i git news for you. winning one championship don't mean squat. A true champion never stops training. You gotta keep moving forward or else you could get stuck exactly where you are. It's like the cement in this truck. That drum doesn't start turning the cement inside will harden and get stuck. Is that what you want to happen to you?"

"No sensei!" Sensei Lawrence does have a fair point here, Nun if these cowards focused on training that day their minds were busy goofing off because they think winning once they'll win again. It doesn't work like that it never will.

Winning doesn't mean you don't need to practice cause at the end of the day there will always be someone way stronger than you, And if you haven't practiced hard enough they will beat you and you will go down as a sore loser. "Good. The climb up, get inside and make it spin."

Everyone started murmuring at Johnny's last statement confused by what he meant get inside. "Sensei we're sorry for messing around" Aisha called out "We learned our lesson." Hawk defended Aisha.

Johnny not wanting to hear it throws down the stairs  before yelling "Get in!" He was starting to get mad again "Sensei this seems dangerous. I mean, the fumes alone-" Miguel was trying to prove a point before he git cut off "Quite!" Mr. Kreese yelled out for hi. to shut up. All the eyes went to him including Johnny's.

Mr. Kreese who was leaning on the truck straightened up when the eyes landed on him "This man led you to the mountaintop, And you question him?" Mr. Kreese was now standing right in front of them with only little space left between "look at you. Look at all of you. I cant believe this pathetic pack of pussies competed in the All Valley and let alone won. It's an absolute miracle. And who's responsible for that miracle?" He questioned the group. They stayed quite.

"Johnny Lawrence. The best student in the history of cobra kai. My student." The young girls eyes stretched as she heard those words leave his mouth. No way Mr. Kreese was Sensei Lawrence's sensei?Then it clicked, Maybe that's why she feels so obligated to prove herself to Mr. Kreese.

"you were sensei's sensei?" Hawk asked Mr. Kreese with pure excitement in his voice "you better believe it, kid." Mr. kreese turned to look at johnny befire speaking again "And i tell you, i've never trained a tougher student in my whole life. So if you know what's good for you, you better listen to every goddamn word he says."

The young brunette stepped forward past kreese "i'll do it." She shrugged not really caring she just wants to impress the two Sensei's, Miguel looked at his sister before stepping forward as well "i'll do it too sensei."

Angel walked over to the stairs with miguel on her tail. Climbing up she finally reached the top and instead of putting a food in this chick literally dived in. Not on purpose. her foot got stuck.


Heheh i like having yall guess what's happening next it's funny

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