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Clenching her jaw she walked away from her twin and with pride she walked into the restaurant almost immediately resulting every guy who sat in there to focus on her as she strutted her way over to Aisha.

Aisha looked over at the smaller girl and gave her a sympathetic smile, Angel didn't like that "Don't give me that smile. I don't care" Aisha even knew she was lying because as soon as Angel finished her sentence she looked over at Hawk who was busy laughing at something Moon said.

Shrugging hawk off Angel moved into the booth next to Demetri Catching Hawks attention. The young boy looked away from Moon and over at his girlfriend who was now seated next to his best friend. His heart ached when he thought of how hurt she looked and sounded.

Angel could feel Hawk's eyes on her which only made her want to show him what he's busy losing more. "You look good" Angel looked up at her boyfriend who's voice caught her attention.

She looked at him for a second then at moon catching her death stare. Shocked Angel looked back at hawk "thanks" You would have to listen closely to hear it since it was barely above a whisper.  He hated how she was being so distant to him but yet he has no one to blame but himself. Hawk sighed and went to say something but before he could give guys walked over to their table.

"Hey baby" The tallest one and probably the leader called out to Angel. Hawk clenched his jaw and balled his hands up into fists. Angel looked up slowly  and was immediately met with His piercing icey blue eyes. Tyler Silver.

Standing up quickly punching him in the gut for calling her 'baby' even when she's not "First of all, I'm not your baby. Second of all what the fuck are you doing here and lastly You deserved that punch."

Hawk smirked at his girlfriend but he was also distracted when he felt someone place a hand on his leg, He shifted in his seat when the hand kept moving up and more up until eventually it was placed on his Dick. Coughing loudly he caught Angels attention. She looked behind her and so did the guys in front of her. Angel looked over at Moon and saw her proud smirk, Raising an eyebrow the girl followed where she looked next.

Moon looked down at her hand thats placed on Hawks private and Angel followed. "Eli fucking Moskowitz." Angel called out as anger ran through her veins. He's not doing anything to stop her and this shows that he's not loyal. He probably already likes Moon.  Who wouldn't?

Hawk snapped his head up at Angel. he felt scared.
disgusted in himself.
Scared of what she might do to him because she used his real name and she knows how much he hates it. He took off Moons hand as fast as possible and threw her off the chair. Literally.

Angel turned back to Tyler who had an amused smirk on his face. "Wipe that look of your ugly face mafia ken wannabe." The smirk famished and was instead replaced with a glare as his friend giggled behind his back. Angel turned around and grabbed hawks arm and pulled him to the furthest most deserted table in a corner.

She threw him down on the chat and sat the opposite side of him so that they were facing each other. Angel studied hawk's face. He looked guilty. Upset. Angry. He was in no place to be angry.

"What is happening hawk." He looked at her. No words. Nothing. "Do you like her?" Silence. Angel sighed. Silence is always the answer. She nodded her head and went to stand up when hawk placed his hand on hers. She flinched slightly. not because she's scared of him but because shes hurt.

He took that as a sign and put his hands back to his side "I don't like her. I only like you"

"One hell of a way to show it." Hawk knew what she meant and he felt bad. Maybe he should tell her that he was jealous? "Hell Angel i don't even like you I love you." Angels head shot up. Her eyes had a sparkle that he saw almost instantly vanished.

"I'm sorry about everything princess" Angel knew she was going to regret her decision later on. But she's to in love with him to just leave him. In the end it will hurt her more than it will hurt him because he could easily move on with moon or someone else where she can't get anyone she wants like so people.

She really did love Hawk but what he did was fucked up and the young girl didn't know how he was going to prove that he was telling the truth because to be fair he has a funny way of showing it.

Although she must admit seeing hawk literally shove moon off the chat was the best thing she could have ever seen in her life. Her face was priceless when she looked back up at hawk. She probably broke a nail and went cry on crying about it.

Angel got up from her chair "Get up" Hawk did as told and stood up in front of Angel. She kicked his shin making him fall down to his knees in agony as he cried out in pain. Angel took his chin in her fingers and tilted his head up so that she could see his eyes.

"Do anything like this again and i will personally make it my mission to cut your dick off with a butter knife. Got it?" Hawk nodded fast. He was scared but also very turned on at the exact moment he knew that he would be bottom and Angel is a top.

Angel threw his head to the side and walked back over to their table not forgetting to send a glare to Moon. Aisha who saw the whole scene play out gave her friend a high five and a proud smirk. Demetri laughed but shut up as soon as hawk stepped next to Angel.

"Am i forgiven?" Angel turned around and looked at Hawk. Without saying anything she pulled him in for a kiss. he returned it immediately. Angel pulled away not long after and noticed that she hasn't seen her twin.

She looked around and saw him sit all alone staring at his phone. great.

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