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As i walk up to school i spot a familiar Red car. I smiled widely when i saw Miguel step out, His confidence is out of this world.

"You look amazing" i smiled as i walked towards them. Miguel and Johnny's heads wiped around to see who was talking. Once their eyes landed on me miguel gave me a huge smile.

"Thanks you too" i looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a harry potter slytherin costume. I smiled and looked back up.

"we'll come on Eli and Demetri is waiting for us" i smiled gesturing towards the entry of the school. Miguel nodded and started walking with johnny and i following him.

We entered the school and walked down the halls. Its quite but you can hear faint music playing.

Miguel walked in first then i walked in after and Johnny went somewhere else. I looked at Miguel as i stood next to him and smiled, I looked around to find Eli and Demetri.

Not long after i grabbed miguel's arm and dragged him towards Eli and Demetri.

"Oh skeleton. classic. nice" Demetri said looking at Miguel, His gaze then turned to me "Harry Potter? Slytherin? nice" he gushed, i laughed and nodded.

"Thanks, I like you're sorcerer costume" Miguel smiled and Demetri scoffs "sorcerer? Please. i'm a necromancer" he corrected.

I looked at miguel then at Eli then back at Demetri "what?" Miguel and i both asked.

"Didn't you two see the amulet?" he asked sounding offended. I shrugged it off and turned to eli.

"So are you a regular doctor or-" i started but he cut me off " plastic surgeon. I fix lips" I smiled "Nice" Miguel replied.

It was getting kinda awkward now nun of them were talking. So i took this time as an opportunity to study everyone's costumes.

The first people i spotted was Sam, Yasmin and Moon, I scoffed at their costumes. They are dressed like slutty laker girls. I tore my gaze from the three girls and spotted Aisha, she was wearing something that i didn't quite understand...

I felt someone grab my hand snapping me out of my thoughts and looked to see who it was. Eli. I smiled at him "Come on" he said while pulling me to follow Miguel and Demetri. I nodded my head and walked with them.

As we walked eli never let go of my hand. not that i mind. We passed the guy that was in the dojo the other day he looked at Miguel weirdly making me scoff. He then noticed me and narrowed his eyes confusing me.

I then saw one of the Cobra Kai posters that Johnny had put up and grabbed miguel's arm and pulled eli towards it making sure Demetri is following.

"Oh guys look this is our sign in site you guys should join" Miguel gushed as he pointed at it. i giggled and walked away pulling Eli along.

Miguel and Demetri soon realised we weren't standing there anymore so they followed us.

We walked over to the punch and the boys all grabbed a cup.

They were now drooling over the three girls standing in front of us making Googly eyes at them like i'm not even there.

"You know what" i started and the boys looked at me "any of you wanna dance?" i asked shrugging Miguel looked away but Eli and Demetri kept staring. "Well?" i asked again.

"Y-you would want to dance with one of us?" Demetri asked pointing to him and Eli I shrugged and nodded.

"Yeah why not? you're both cute" once those words left my mouth Demetri and Eli's eyes lit up. Like they have never been called cute.

"Going once" i started to get impatient.

"Going twice" i threw my hands up

"Ne-" i got cut off by someone behind me "Ill dance with you" an unfamiliar voice said. I turned around to see who it was.

He was tall, Had dark brown hair, Blue eyes and a charming smile, He held out his hand waiting for me to take it. I looked back around and saw Eli and Demetri frowning, I frowned at the sight and turned back to the guy.

"I'm sorry but i promised these two" I started and walked in between Eli and Demetri taking Eli's arm putting it around my waits and grabbing Demetri's arm pulling it over my shoulder's "I'll dance with them" i finished and smiled.

The guy nodded "Another time maybe" he shrugged and i smiled lightly nodding my head, he turned around and walked away.

I sighed and looked at the two dorks holding me "so anyone want to dance now?"

Demetri removed this arm and blushed lightly i looked at eli with pleading eyes. He was about to answer when-

"I have to go to the bathroom" Demetri sighed

"Yeah me too" Eli said as he quickly removed his arm from my waist making me scoff.

"That punch is going right through me" demetri said once again making me scoff and roll my eyes.

Eli then walked away with Demetri following, Miguel turned to me but i just nodded and pushed him away, he sighed and followed them.

I felt someone tap my shoulder so i turned around and came face to face with the same guy from a couple minutes ago.

"Care to dance now?" i smiled and nodded my head

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards dance floor. Just as we walked on a slow song came on i giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So you new here?" he asked i nodded.

"Moved here a couple weeks ago" i shrugged he smiled.

"What's your name?" he asked with Curiosity written all over his face.

"Angel Diaz" i stated proudly "yours?" i asked raising my eyebrow.

"Blake DeLaurentis" he answered.

"Nice to meet you Blake" he was actually kinda nice "So what is a pretty girl like you doing hanging around with those three nerds?" he hissed. And there it is, He is pretty until he opens his mouth.

"One of them is my twin brother and the other two are my best friends" I stated bluntly and pushed him off me, I suddenly see Eli and Demetri sprint towards me in the corner of my eye.

"ANGEL" Demetri yelled with panic. "What?" i asked confused.

"Miguel- Kyler- bathroom- hurt" Demetri yapped while panting. It took me a while to understand what he meant but when i did, All i could think of was run.

I ran out to the hall and straight into Johnny i fell down on my butt groaning, "Woah slow do-" Johnny started but i cut him off "Miguel is hurt!" I yelled. His eyes widen and he immediately pulls me off the ground.

I ran to the bathroom with johnny hot on my tail, I burst in not having a care in the world who can see me "Miguel!" i yelled, nothing... I then heard groaning and so did johnny cause he went around the corner. I followed him and gasped as i saw my twin laying on the floor groaning.

Johnny picked him up and carried him out the bathroom with me following behind.

I saw Eli and Demetri walk to me, "Is he okay?" Eli asked softly "I don't know.. but i'll see you at school okay" i smiled at the two boys and walked off.

I got in johnny's car as he put miguel in the back seat.

Shit mom is gonna be pissed..

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