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"All right, be sure to stock up good. I'm inviting everyone." Aisha's voice snapped me out of thoughts as i started at Miguel through the window.

He's been trying to get a hold of sam since school came out. She hasn't been answering any of vids calls or texts.

""VIP only" my ass" I added as i turned my attention back to Aisha who was stuffing Berts arms full of snacks "I still don't understand how we're going to buy alcohol" Demetri does have a good point i mean nun of us are old enough.

Hawk came around to that Isle i was in with a scoff after hearing Demetri's words, Hawk walked past past us to the cooler that has all the alcohol in it "Oh please. Never underestimate the power..." There was a slight pause in his words when he opened the the door he continued "Of the hawk"

He grabbed the beer that was in there and walked over to the counter. My eyes slightly wondered off back to Miguel. He's still outside trying to get ahold of Sam. Poor guy.

I stood next to Aisha who was occasionally glancing at Hawk to make sure he doesn't get caught.

I let out a sigh which caught her attention "what's wrong?" I looked up at her since she's taller than me. curse me being short. I let out another sigh "Miguel seems so off just because of some girl."

Aisha giggled at my statement before nodding her head "Wouldn't you act the same if Hawk did that?" She has a point a good one at that. Now with Moon acknowledging him and sending smiles his way makes it worse.

"Aisha?" She hummed as she lifted her head back up to look at me "What if Hawk leaves me for... I don't know some other pretty girl?" She looked taken aback by my question.

She turned her head to look at Hawk then she turned back at me with a warm smile "I don't think he would do that" I let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding. Tonight i'm gonna drink to just forget about my insecurities.

"You really think i'm underaged?" I heard Hawks voice ask the counter guy Both Aisha and i turned our heads to look at him "That's my frickin kid right there" He pointed back at Bert.

Hawk took out what i assume is his Fake ID and gave it to the man. He took a Quick glance at it then gave it back to Hawk muttering a "whatever"

He turned back to us with a stupid goody grin on his face then turned back to the cashier. He so cute!

"How about Eight bottles of that vodka right there" Hawk requested. Oh hell yeah tonight we gettin drunk bitches!


After we had everything we went down to the canyon to set up our stuff. Not long after we were there more people started to show.

Demetri and Hawk were somewhere i lost them. Aisha's Talking to some guys and Miguel is still trying to get in touch with Sam.

I spotter Miguel so i decided to walk over to him "Still nothing?" He looked up from his phone with a frown plastered on his face. I already has a beer he hasn't had a drink yet.

"Nope." I sighed at my poor twin "Look maybe she had a reason, Maybe her mom took her phone or something?" Miguel scoffed at my words muttering a "yeah whatever" I rolled my eyes and walked over to hawk who was enjoying himself.

Hawk saw me waking towards him because he sent me a smirk, As soon as i reached him he threw his arm over my shoulder "Hey babe"

I smiled at him and grabbed his cup out his hand taking a sip from it, He chuckled before taking his cup back. He was standing with Two boys that i've never seen before, Yet again maybe because they are nerds or because i'm still basically new?

killer cobra (hawk)Where stories live. Discover now