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Aisha had to go home to get changed and Angel took this opportunity to get to know Tory more "Would you want to come back to mine and then we can go off to the beach club?" Tory took a sip of her drink before looking at the brunette "sure and then you can tell me more about your brother" She winked at Angel

The young brunette gave her new friend a side glance as if teasing her slightly but without words, Tory looked at her and smiled rolling her eyes "No it's not like that" she defended quickly only getting a laugh from Angel "Sure it isn't"

Tory rolled her eyes again shaking her head at the brunette "So tell me, what made you join cobra kai?" Angel looked at tory contemplating on whether she should tell the truth about being bullied or if she should just make up a lie "i won't judge you know"

Angel smiled and looked in front of her "Well My family and i moved here not too long ago, It wasn't really easy, being in a new place and going to school with all these rich snobby kids, Miguel and i got bullied really really bad, They would beat us up but Miguel tried everything in his power to keep me safe but it resulted in me getting a massive black eye and a huge bruise on my stomach.

That night it happened Sensei Lawrence was there and ended up saving the day, He didn't want anything to do with us though so we begged him and harassed him until he eventually gave in and opened up cobra kai, We thought you know since we can fight now that the bullying would stop it didn't, it got progressively worse but mostly with Miguel, He got beat pretty badly at the Halloween dance and i wasn't there to help him. Eventually people stopped trying shit with us when we beat this kid called Kyler's ass in the school cafeteria.

Miguel scored a girl and i scored a boy, After that i guess Karate just because a part of us cause no everyone fears us" Angel finished growing slightly now listening to how sad their lives was before karate. Tory frowned with the girl after just hearing what had pushed them into karate. Throwing her arm around Angels shoulder she pulled her into her side "Hey at least now you and i can go kick some people's asses together" She giggled out slightly pushing angel to the side as they walked

Angel smiled and looked at Tory "I have a feeling you and i are going to get a long just fine" Tory nodded quickly laughing as she accidentally bumped into angel.

After Angel and Tory went back to Angels, The young brunette led the girl a bikini top and some shorts as she didn't have any and Aisha was on her way back, Angel just threw on a simple black bikini top and some blue shorts similar to Tory's.

The girls were walking around the beach club laughing and getting to know each other more, For Angel she felt excited that there was a new girl in Cobra Kai that's actually badass and knows how to fight and won't back down, Not trying to be rude to Aisha but she's a bit of a softie when it comes to fighting

Angel had grown to love tory within seconds and not to mention that she legit took down the karate champion but let's all be honest hear Angel could easily take that title away from him since after all even johnny has said it himself she is the strongest karate fighter in his class.

Standing on the balcony the three girls started talking, Tory and Angel both looked down with big eyes "okay.. this is not the beach" Tory let out as her eyes followed down ti the big pool and people all around "yeah no shit, where are the homeless dudes on rollerblades" Tory chuckled looking up at angel and back in front of her "and the guys shoving shitty hip-hop demos in your face?" Angel let out a snort amazed by the fact that her and tory think similar Aisha chuckled looking at the two girls "No don't worry, they'll come after they pass out the hors d'oeuvres"

the girls giggled at Aisha while angel scanned the area her eyes landed on Sam and Robbie instantly clenching her jaw and holding her hands in fists, she could feel her anger, She couldn't stand to look at Sam not after what she's done to Miguel Angel knows it's petty since Sam didn't technically do anything wrong to her but she still didn't like the fact that her brother got his feelings toyed with

Tory noticed that Angel had went quite, looking over at her she furrowed her eyebrows at the girl who was giggling half a second ago, following her eyes she looked down at the pair talking, a quick plan popped up into her head as she grabbed her hand and pulled her off letting out muffed giggles, Angel raised her eye brows "what are you giggling at?"

Tory didn't answer instead led her way to the kitchen with a sly smirk on her face, Angel followed a long confused at what the blonde is doing, Tory let go of angels hand as she opened up a cabinet with Vodka stacked away grinning she pulled the bottle out turning to angel holding it to her face.

Angel smirked at the blonde who was grinning with a look of mischief glinting in her eyes, Angel grabbed the bottle from tory and grabbed her hand in return walking out the kitchen before getting caught "how'd you know it was in there?"

Tory shrugged her shoulders and didn't reply to her question "at least now we can get drunk and have fun in this boring place" Angel giggled at the blonde before stopping right in her tracks Tory furrowed her brows once again and looked up to see that same girl talking to Aisha tory smirked another idea popping in her head, walking up to the two angel followed behind quickly

"hey look what we got" tory called out to Aisha taking the bottle of vodka from Angel and putting it in her bad "where did you two get that from" Aisha asked with concern written on her face "we swiped it from the bar" Angel told Aisha as she stood next to Tory with her arms crossed

Sam and Aisha gave each other a look before looking back at the two "oh relax all the adults are getting wasted" Tory tried to make it better Aisha only growing more weary of the situation "no one's gonna notice if we have a little fun" Angel backed the blonde girl giving her a little nudge Aisha smiled back at the two

"you two should put that back. you'll get into a lot of trouble" There goes little miss perfect trying to ruin the day once again, Angel scoffed at Sam going to say something but tory beat her to it, letting out a fake laugh tory looked at angel and back at sam "and you are?"

"oh Sam, this is tory, Tory sam" Tory looked back at sam and angel rolled her eyes growing bored of the conversation hoping that she would just fuck off before she punched her face "Oh , The Sam." Sam's smile slowly faded as tory scoffed hooking her arm around angels while looking at Aisha "Come on. Like anyone's gonna miss one bottle of vodka. i could swipe half the silverware in this place before anyone would notice" Tory mentioned not going unnoticed by Sam

"you shouldn't steal anything." Sam remarked angel scoffed biting her tongue before saying something she'll regret "what are you a nun?" Tory joked nudging angel causing her to let out a small giggle "come on, are we gonna drink or not?" Aisha but her lip giving a side glance to sam before straightening up "okay, one drink" Tory and Angel gave each other a big smile before walking off Angel not forgetting to glare at sam first "that's my girl" tory told aisha as she wrapped her arm around her shoulders.


oooooo and this is where it's going to start getting interesting, just wait and see what i have in store for next chapter, Sam's gonna regret even blaming tory in the first place HEHEHEHEHEHHEEH :)

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