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I huffed in annoyance as i heard the people in school talk about sam, "Did you hear what she did to kyler" i rolled my eyes at the two girls who walked past me.

I walked over to Aisha "you know this sam things getting kinda annoying" i told Aisha, She chuckled abs nodded.

We walked to the cafeteria. As we walked i spotted Miguel getting food, I told Aisha to go sit i'll catch up. I walked over to miguel "Do you believe it?" He looked over at me with confusion all over his face.

"the rumour about sam" his mouth formed the shape of an 0 as he caught on "Nope, you?" i shook my head "she doesn't seem like the type" he nodded and grabbed his food.

We walked over to where everyone was sitting. As we walked in we heard Kyler's annoying voice.

"hey guys, You know that billboard with a big-ass dick on it, I guess sam takes after her dad."

Everyone 'oohed' and laughed. I groaned and rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Het kyler." I called out as i put my food down on the table, Everyone turned to face me as i stood my ground, Miguel then put down his food as well and stood next to me.

"why don't you shut the hell up" I started "and stop being such an asshole" miguel finished.

Miguel and i started walking more forward as Kyler's friends all stood up. Kyler then came face to face with us.

"You two want another beat down rhea twins?" He mocked as he pushed us making us slightly stumble back.

"i'm ready for your lame-ass karate this time." He this time pushed is more harder making me hit my bad on the table, I groaned. Oh he's gonna get it now.

I stood up straight and walk closer to him with miguel staying back.

"it's not lame-ass karate" i started, Kyler then went to punch me but i caught his arm "it's cobra kai" i stated as i punched him in the face making him stumble back.

He wiped off his nose that was now bleeding and charged at me, Miguel pushed me out of the way and kyler tackled him onto a table.

Kyler kept on throwing him on the tables until he eventually got him in a head lock. Miguel then elbowed his side making him let go, Miguel grabbed ahold of his arm and twisted it sending a kick and a punch his way making him fall onto a table.

"No mercy" i heard Aisha yell before all hell broke loose.  I looked at miguel and nodded, I felt someone come up to me from behind, I turned around and punched him before he punched me.

I saw one more guy charge at me, just as he was about to hit me i ducked his punch and kicked him in the stomach he fell down on the floor with a loud groan.

I looked over at miguel realising that all the guys are on the ground, but they all acted fast and got up once again.

Two boys came my direction, one from the back and one from the front, I ducked down making the two of them punch each other, I giggled as they both fell on the ground, one holding his nose the other covering his eye.

Kyler then stood up and came at me, Miguel noticed and threw me a lunch tray, I acted fast and grabbed caught the tray jumping on a table, I kicked him in the face this hit him with the tray. He fell down on the ground making me smirk.

I looked around and saw that miguel was next to me as well, He was holding a tray too, i guess we did a twin thing.

everyone was cheering, and filming the whole thing. I stood up straight on the table and looked around the room, My eyes met with Eli's in an instant. He smiled softly at me and i returned the smile.

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