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Not really thinking about what the twins found out last night Angel woke up feeling brand new but with slight betrayal in her gut, She couldn't believe that sensei had kept this from them and made them feel shit for doing what he taught them.

It felt like sensei let her down in some sense, She knows she shouldn't be mad about it but the least he could've done was tell them, tell her. "maybe he just wasn't ready yet" The girl softly spoke to herself, Something she does when she's confused and conflicted. Hearing a ding from her phone she sped back to her bed, something she didn't notice was how she walked her whole room full and ended up 10 steps away from her bed.

My love❤️
good morning my gorgeous girl❤️

She read the message that hawk had sent her, Her heart fluttering as she read the message over and over again

morning my boy❤️

My love❤️
i hope you slept well beautiful.
cant wait to see you just a reminder that
i love you😘

Her heart skipped a beat as she read 'i love you' over and over and over again, She's surprised that she fell so hard so fast, She was scared of what could've happened, what might happen even. She knew there was going to be drama coming she felt it in her gut, She didn't wanna believe it at first.

But the more she pushed it away, the stronger it came back. She wasn't going to let anyone stop her from becoming who she is destined to become. She's going to have to flip the script completely somehow.

Snapping out her thoughts she realised that she had left hawk on read for the past 5 minutes on accident. oops

i cant wait to see you again todayyy
I love you too❤️

Unknowingly to the brunette girl she left a dazing hawk with a stupid goofy smile on his face, His mother looking at him weirdly "Who's the girl?" Hawks head shot up nearly snapping it and almost scaring his mother out of her own skin, She still hasn't gotten used to the new look he has

"Her names Angel, She's my best friend Miguel's twin sister, She's absolutely stunning mom" Hawk felt his cheeks heat up at the thought of her, His mom smiling finally happy that he's found someone "I'll like to meet her once dear, she sounds wonderful" Hawk nodded at his mom smiling still, he hasn't been this happy since he could remember

His mom got up from her chair to put her plate away, she looked down at her watch her eyes widened as she sees the time "shit i'm later for work, I'll love to hear more about Angel and how she can handle my little Eli" she ranted while pinching Hawk's cheeks "It's hawk." he corrects his mom "Yeah yeah whatever hawk" she yelled out as she ran out the door to her car.

Angel realised that today they'll be going to the beach, She shot up frantically "shit shit shit shit shit" she also realised she'll be wearing a bikini... in front of hawk.

Angel found herself wondering back to the night of the party and all the steamy stuff that's happened with her and hawk, Feeling her body heat up with tingles a shiver ran down her spine as she remembered how hawks hands felt on her body, His lips on her neck making it clear for everyone she's his property, Oh how she wishes she could just jump on his lap and ri-

Her door suddenly flew open revealing a very irritated Miguel snapping her out of her dirty dirty thoughts. He pulled a weird face seeing how flustered his sister is, How red her cheeks are "ew please don't tell me you were having dirty thoughts about hawk" Angel gasped loudly as she grabbed a pillow from her bed and threw it at his face.

Miguel softly giggled at how fast she reacted but his goofiness died down when he realised she's still not even dressed, her hairs a mess, Her bed isn't made, And how he's going to have to tell her that moon is already at the beach with hawk "why are you still not dressed? we were meant to be at the beach like 10 minutes ago"

Angel gave her brother a goofy smile "sorry.. i forgot we had plans today" Miguel tilted his head confused "How do you forget about plans that your boyfriend made?" He asked her playfully knowing that he's sooner or later gonna get his ass whooped "i don't know! i got distracted"

"yeah thinking dirty things about my best friend" Angel didn't think twice to take another pillow and throw him with it, This time hitting him straight in the face earning a "mmpth" noise to escape her twins mouth "if you can get out now i'll get dressed"

Miguel chuckled lowly knowing how easy it is to tease her and get under her skin, He nodded his head and walked out closing the door behind him, Stopping as he got to the kitchen "fuck" he grunted under his breathe he forgot to tell her about moon. This is going to be interesting.

Angel walked over to her nightstand, She had already prepared all her things last night. Taking off her clothes she starts to put on her bikini, It's a white three piece that compliments her curves just right.

Leaving her hair down she grabbed a brush and just made it somewhat neat "i've got a weird feeling about something" she realised she's talking to herself again and brushed it off scurrying out of her room.


"I don't know in kinda enjoying the game without the pain" Angel and Miguel looked at each other after watching two girls walk up to Demetri, It was like second hand embarrassment Angel just wanted to hide for him "Hawk." Miguel called out "hey there's the man"

Hawk looked over at Angel, His heart skipping a beat at how perfect she looked "Hey princess" Angel smiled at her blue haired boy and made her way over to him, Hawk wrapped his arm around her waist and the other hand up to cup her face as their lips met for the first time in so long. They pulled apart after hearing a delicate cough behind her.

Angel felt her blood starting to boil, She could see the annoyed look on hawks face as he looked behind his girlfriend "You look beautiful" he whispered in Angels ear, hoping it'll make her feel better.

Angel gave him a smile and a wink kissing him on the cheek she turned around, Hawks arm still around her waist "Moon."

"Hey Angel" Angel wanted to throw up at the fake tone she plastered on, It made her sick to her stomach, She rolled her eyes and looked over at her twin "No." Miguel looked at her confused

Hawk seeming to know what she means "No more of this. Look it's a beautiful day out, the beach is packing with babes. No more sulking about sam."

"He's not sulking about Sam." Hawk looked at his girlfriend confused "It's about sensei" She questioned if they should tell Hawk about what they found out, Knowing he's a hot head he might not be able to contain this information around sensei.

"Is this about his rap sheet? my parents read it online. I think it makes him more badass." Angel chocked down a giggle, How cute can he get, so clueless but of course Miguel had to run his mouth "It's about him and robby Keene"

Hawk scrunched up his face, even more confused than last time. This is going to be interesting.

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