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After i dragged Aisha away from whatever happened back there. We went to go get dressed into our new Gi's and might i add. I LOOK SEXY. It hugs my body perfectly. I'm sure Hawk's gonna be at a loss of words when he sees me.

Aisha left a couple minutes ago saying she wanted to go ask Sensei something, I stayed behind still a little flustered about sensei exposing hawk and i like that. Like damn did he have to do is that dirty? Istg.

I eventually got bored and walked out the changing rooms in search for my Boyfriend and twin brother. I couldn't find them. They probably went to have some man to man talk or some shit.

As i walked back to the changing rooms i saw most of the Karate teams all standing with their Sensei's, One sensei's eyes landed on me which made his entire class turn to me. All boys might i add. They all scanned my body shamelessly making a shiver run down my spine, And to say the new cobra kai Gi is kinda of exposing my chest showing off a lot of cleavage. Stop what am i saying?

I own this place. I will show them what a girl can do. So why am i so creeped out by their stares? I rolled my eyes and went to walk away, But instead of walking away i walked right into someone's hard chest.

I looked up and my eyes met with piercing ocean blue eyes, His black locks fell freely on his forehead, His strong jawline can be spotted from a mile away, His muscular body towered over me. I took a step back feeling overwhelmed by his stare, He scanned my body looking me up and down checking me out shamelessly. He was wearing the same Gi as those other students who was just staring at me. shit.

"Tyler Silver" His deep raspy voice rang through my ears as he smirked down at me, His hand reached up to the fabric of my Gi. "Cobra kai?" His voice was filled with amusement, As if he was mocking the fact that a karate dojo has a girl on the team.

Growling i shoved his hand away from my Gi "Get out of my way." My voice was Cold And firm but yet he didn't budge. He stood his ground and his smirk only growing. I rolled my eyes and shoved past him.

Just as i was about to walk i felt a hand grab my wrist, Quickly turning around i was met with the same blue eyes "What's your name?" Yanking my arm out his grasp i turned back around "Angel Diaz. And remember that name because i'll beat your ass." Not giving him any time to talk again i walked away.

I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulder and smiled knowing exactly who it is by his scent "You look so sexy" only one person would say that. Hawk. Looking up at him i smirked "you're not the only one who thinks that" He looked down at me with a scowl on his face ready to punch anyone who's even looking at me "Who? Where? When?" I giggled "Them, here, Now" I pointed back at the karate school back there, I wasn't able to see the logo since they are all so tall, He looked the way i pointed and immediately clenched his jaw, I looked back and once again was met with the same piercing blue eyes, Was he staring at me as i was waking? His jaw is also clenched. Oh no drama.

Hawk being hawk grabbed my face roughly and started kissing me, Not hesitating i kissed back with just as much force as he was, He bit my lip earning a gasp from me, He smirked and pulled away "That's gotta show them that you're taken." He growled through gritted teeth. I love him- WAIT what hold up back up. Did i just-? Did i just? OH. Oh my god.

I love Hawk.


"Welcome everyone, To the 50th annual All Valley Under 18 Karate Championship!" Woah, This has been going on for 50 years? Damn Sensei wasn't lying when he said karate was a big thing back in his day. That's insane.

"Let's start by welcoming all the local dojo's competing today, From Granada Hills, All-Star Karate" Everyone started erupting in applause to show respect for the other dojo, I couldn't hear the rest of the dojo's being called since Sensei told us that before they call out dojo we have to make a big entrance and chant our name before he gets the chance to do so.

Another dojo's name has been called but i couldn't hear it since sensei was yelling at bert for doing something stupid. I turned to look at the dojo and yet again my eyes met with those piercing Ocean blue eyes. Who are you Tyler Silver?

"From Reseda, Returning to the tournament, We have-" Doing what sensei told us to do We cut him off and started chanting 'Cobra kai' The entire time we ran out, Miguel was in the front, I was behind him with Hawk behind me.

People started going mad once they saw us run out from behind the wall. The dojo with Tyler in it all looked around to us. I can feel their burning glares and stares but does that bother me? No. It just means that i'll have more of a reason to show that girls are better than boys. I looked up at the stands and first people my eyes landed on was the LaRusso's. Sam looked upset. Understandable, Daniel LaRusso had a disgusted look on his face. Man i really wanna kick him.

Rolling my eyes i looked away from them "Now thats what i call an entrance!" My eyes wandered off back to Tyler. No surprise he's already staring at me, I looked away from him and up at hawk. His jaw clenched and eyes set on... Tyler? He must have seen me looking at him. Oops...

"Whoo! Go Hawk!" A female voice boomed over the loud cheers, I looked back up at hawk and hes... Smiling?? I looked over at the crowd and my eyes landed on Moon. Woah and i thought we were friends. Growling i looked back in front of me.

All i heard was 'Robby Keene' and a little bit of applause, The name kind of sounded familiar? Miguel Tensed up and so did Hawk. Wait is it who i think it is?

My guess was confirmed when he ran past us. It's the guy Sam showed up with at the party. Well i didn't know he did karate. He doesn't seem like that type.

"All right folks, Get ready. Its karate time."


I would just like to apologise for not posting in so long lol, I had a modelling comp that went on for a while and then a school interview thing SORRY!

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