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Its been a couple hours Johnny had told Miguel and i to go home since it was getting late.

Once Miguel and i went inside our Yaya had asked us where we were the whole day i just told he we were hanging out obviously she didn't believe but didn't push.

Miguel and i ate our dinner and went to our rooms. Tomorrow is the first day of school and i'm kinda nervous. I have no idea what i'm going to wear and not to mention the fact that we are new meaning no friends, Yet.

I was too tired to look for clothes so instead i went straight to bed, My whole body was aching but i don't mind. As soon as my head hit the pillow it was lights out.

 I groaned at the sound of my alarm going off, I hit it making it turn off and sat up

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I groaned at the sound of my alarm going off, I hit it making it turn off and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and then remembered, its school and i have nothing to wear yet...I jumped up and stormed over to my closet going through my clothes trying to find something to wear.

i finally found something to wear, Took me about 15 minutes to find it but eh its worth it. I picked out a Mock neck Tee and Belted cargo pants (photo on top). I quickly threw it on and walked to the bathroom.

As i walked out the bathroom after doing my hair and putting on some makeup i walked out and bumped into someone "oh sorry" i mumbled and looked up to see its Miguel "Nah all good sis" he reassured and i smiled i nodded and walked back to my room to grab my phone.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple to eat while i waited for miguel, Not long after he came down "ready to go?" I nodded and walked out the door with Miguel following me.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple to eat while i waited for miguel, Not long after he came down "ready to go?" I nodded and walked out the door with Miguel following me

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Miguel and i got to school but the whole day went buy fast, next thing i knew it was lunch.

Miguel and i walked into the cafeteria with our trays looking for somewhere to sit. Miguel walked around and went to two boys "is it cool if we sit here?" Miguel asked the two boys "Sorry, tables really blowing up right now" The one started, I looked at the table, what is he on? there is literally no one except for him and his friend "I can put you on the waitlist but it's probably next semester at the earliest" he finished and i rolled my eyes.

I took the pause time to study him, He seemed like one of those 'I'm so smart and a know it all' nerd, I looked over at his friend, he was covering his lip and was really shy but also really cute, A nerd, but a cute nerd "okay" miguel sighed "No i'm kidding sit!" the know it all looking nerd said, I sat down and took the time to study everyone in the cafeteria.

"Miguel" my brother introduced himself "Demetri this is Eli" I looked up "hes a man of few words" Demetri stated and looked at me "Oh uh Angel" He nodded and looked at miguel "you two related?" Miguel nodded "Shes my twin" that made eli look up, He looked at me and for a split second our eyes met but he looked away before i could even figure out what colour his eyes were.

In the corner of my eye i saw demetri slowly look up so i followed his gaze and saw these let me guess 'pretty rich popular mean girls' walk past our table, I roll my eyes and looked back at the boys and saw my twin practically drooling, Great. "dude don't torture yourself" Demetri started "those are the rich girls" Ha! called it!!

"do you ever talk to them or.." Miguel trailed off and looked at Demetri "Oh yeah all the time" i rolled my eyes at his sarcasm, Hes annoying. "we hang out after school, make out, give each other hand jobs" I looked over at my twin and saw him rolling his eyes "Eli here is the homecoming king" that caught my attention so i looked at eli "gets laid more than anyone isn't that right Eli" Eli had a small smile on his face and looked at miguel.

"Talk to them?" Demetri paused "you realise what table you're sitting at, right?" he asked "You two pretty much signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college" I rolled my eyes and looked at him "oh goody" i stated sarcastically making him glare at me "oh shit, yasmine's looking at us" i followed Eli's gaze and looked straight at a Regina George wannabe "probably just making fun at me" i looked back at eli.

"I don't think she's making fun of you, I mean just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean" Miguel tried to help, Oh Miggy if only you knew.. "okay only some hot girls aren't mean i mean look at Angel she's hot and she's nice" Demetri stated "mhm most likely the only "hot" girl that's gonna talk to you" i quoted hot and miguel looked at him weirdly "That's gross man" i gasped at looked at my twin "words hurt Miggy" he rolled his eyes.

"I don't care if yasmine is the meanest girl in school" Demetri paused and looked back at us "Ill kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face" i scrunched my nose up in discussed "she's really not even that pretty." i stated once again earning a glare from Demetri. "well if you don't make a move" Miguel started "You'll never have a shot" I finished almost laughing, oh please as if he has a shot.

"Okay that was cool and weird but anyway True, but i'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection, I'm at peace with my depression last thing i need is to be suicidal" all i did was shake my head at Demetri.

I saw Miguel get up so i looked at him confused "what are you doing?" i asked raising my eyebrows at him "Striking first" i groaned and sat back in my seat.

"Oh shit hope we don't get hit with the sharpnel" i heard Demetri mumble I watched as miguel slowly started walking up to the girls.

One of the girls looked at him, She was really pretty, she had nice long chocolate brown hair and smiled at him That's until the guy that beat Miguel and i up sat down next to her.

He waved at miguel making My twin walk back to the table and fall back in his chair "see you later rhea" one of them laughed.

"so how'd it go?" Demetri asked and i just laughed at my twin, oh my nerdy twin.

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