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"don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing?" Miguel asked, God i seriously want to punch him right now "what?" sensei asked completely confused "oh, sorry. Don't you think you're doing a lot of genderizing Sensei" I mentally facepalmed myself why did HE have to be my twin?

"No. What the hell are you talking about" Sensei asked still confused as hell "oh uh my guidance counsellor says that certain words perpetuate the sexist world view that can trigger-" Miguel was once again cut off by sensei "QUIET" Sensei yelled

"from now on you won't listen to your guidance counsellor, You're gonna listen to me. Is that understood?" sensei asked eyeing Miguel "yes sensei" miguel nodded nervously "good now stop yapping like a little girl and give me 50 push-ups on your knuckles" he demanded miguel "uh.. okay...yeah" Miguel obeyed going down to try and do a push up.

Sensei turned to me and i immediately looked at him "you know I don't allow girls in Cobra Kai but you seem different" he paused "u give off a natural Cobra vibe" I smiled proudly but that smile faded rather quickly "Now drop and give me 50 push-ups on your knuckles!" He demanded "yes sensei" I replied and went down, Miguel had already fell on his face not even doing 1. I did 2 push-ups and fell down.

"alright just do some crunches. Don't you two have gym class or something?" sensei asked obviously unimpressed "Yeah" i mumbled and rolled over on my back just when the door opened i started doing some crunches while listening.

"howdy there Mr...uh...Lawrence" miguel sat up immediate "oh... its sensei" i punched him in the arm making him wince he looked at me and i gave him the 'can you shut up' look he rolled his eyes "Miguel shut up" sensei said making me giggle softly "Stop laughing Ms Diaz" i quickly shut up and started doing crunches again.

"what brings you in?" Sensei asked walking towards the fat guy "looking to lose that gut and learn how to kick some ass?" the fat guy looked down to his stomach and back up to johnny "no." he paused "i'm from the city health department" he begun and opened his bag "this is a list of requirements needed to open up an exercise studio" he finished pulling out papers "this isn't an exercise studio this is a karate dojo." I finished my crunches and i'm now just watching miguel struggle.

"yeah same deal." the fat guy kept blabbering. i just kept my eyes on miguel hearing him groan 'four' WHAT? he only did four?? damn "wow" the fat guy said as he walks around "this place needs a lot of work" he said looking around then he turns back to johnny "you're not open for business are you?" johnny didn't answer "you two! are you customers here?" he asked looking at Miguel and i.

i was about to answer but johnny did that for me "oh no that's just some illegals i picked up this morning" i looked at him confused "they are helping me set up" ohhh now i know what he's on about i nodded my head at the fat guy "I don't need to know about all that" the fat guy says now turning back to johnny.

"my job is just to make sure this place is up to code." he said but i didn't listen any further that guy made me want to sleep. I looked at miguel he was still doing crunches "come on you can do it" i whispered to him he smiled and went on, i looked up to see the fat guy looking at the cobra kai logo on the wall.

"cool rattlesnake" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity "it's a cobra" both johnny and i yelled "oh right duh i'm such an idiot" yeah no shit sherlock "cobra kay" he said before walking out Kay?? what the hell is a kay? "kay? its kai you douche" i whispered and johnny chuckled and looked at me "i like you Ms diaz" i smiled and nodded "I'm done doing crunches sensei anything else you want me to do?" he thought about it for a second "No just take a break right now" you nodded and looked back at miguel as johnny walked to his office.

"cool rattlesnake" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity "it's a cobra" both johnny and i yelled "oh right duh i'm such an idiot" yeah no shit sherlock "cobra kay" he said before walking out Kay?? what the hell is a kay? "kay? its kai you douche" i wh...

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miguel and i were now busy washing the mats and benches and stuff, Johnny wasn't here yet he went to go buy some stuff oh wait nevermind he just walked in "looking good" he said while walking to his office "make sure you two get both sides" i nodded "after you two are done with that" i looked up at him "you can take care of these exposed wires" i nodded again.

"what does this have to do with karate sensei?" Miguel asked and i looked up towards the office and johnny came out with a drink "do not question my methods" i rolled my eyes and went back to scrubbing "just be thankful you're not a sumo wrestler" he begun and i stood up puting both my hands on my hips looking at him. Miguel soon followed after and stood up looking at johnny.

"those guys have to wipe their sensei's asses" i pulled a disgusted face "that's so gross" johnny looked at me and nodded, miguel turned around and walked to some boxes with karate trophies in them "so i uh see you were a karate champion sensei" i turned around and saw the trophies miguel turned around to face sensei and so did i.

he took a sip of his drink "you don't have to call me 'sensei' every time" miguel nodded "i'm sorry sensei" I tried to fight back a laugh "i um sorry... i'm sorry" johnny nodded "i won a couple all Valley tournaments, didn't lose a single point in my junior year" he looked kinda upset? "alright" miguel begun "what happened in your senior year?" i asked softly.

It looks like i struck a nerve bringing up his senior year.. oops.."this isn't 20 questions get back to scrubbing. Both of you" I immediately felt guilty and nodded my head turning to miguel. Suddenly his phone rang, God i hate this song.

"Where's that garbage coming from?" you hear johnny and looked at him only to see him looking around trying to see where its coming from "you hear that?" he asked me and i laughed miguel answered the phone and i turned to him.

"hey!" it's most likely ma "yeah, uh Debate's running a little late... uh okay...love you too... yeah i'll tell her... bye" he put his phone away and looked back at me and johnny.

"don't tell me he has a-" johnny started facing me "don't tell me you have a girlfriend" I laughed loud and looked at miguel "that was our mom actually... um..." he chuckled nervously and turned to me "mom told me to tell you that she loves you" i nodded and smiled and he turned back to johnny.

"We told her that we joined the debate team cauae she doesn't approve of violence" I told johnny and miguel nodded "yeah what about your dad?" i looked down and my feet "is he okay with you two getting your asses kicked up and down Reseda boulevard?" i was still looking down at my feet "oh we never uh.." miguel started "really knew our dad" i finished it was silent for a bit "alright well stop standing there and get back to training" i chuckled and nodded.

"okay yeah sorry okay" miguel muttered and we both went back to scrubbing "and change that ringtone. Get some guns and roses or something" i looked up at him finally someone who has the same taste as me in music "what's guns and roses?" I gasped at miguel and johnny turned around "i'm gonna pretend you didn't say that" he said walking back into his office.

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