𝐯. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲

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"you ain't a kid no more, we'll never be those kids again."
- ivy, frank ocean.

I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon. Do your chores.

My mouth dropped as soon as the words ran through my head for a second time, my mind thinking of different ideas and activities I could do whilst she was away. I could spend the whole day outdoors without having to worry about her returning, creating an endless amount of possibilities for me to do during her absence. 

I quickly scanned through her cursive writing one last time before dropping it back onto the table and rushing towards the supplies, determined to get the list of chores completed as soon as possible. 

The jobs were a repeat of yesterday: polishing, sweeping and dusting. Having done the same work the day beforehand was useful because it wouldn't have left much to do. Not much dust would've settled overnight, so I could easily skip over that. There would be a minor amount of sweeping and polishing to do but that would be done in no time, as Mother would've dragged some form of filth inside with her on the previous night. After they were all finished, I could leave the castle for the rest of the day, basking in the natural sunlight and clean air.

I scurried over to the same hall cupboard I visited regularly, taking out the broom and cloth. I didn't want to waste any time, as I would regret it later on, so I didn't stop to tie my long, raven hair up like usual. 

It was quite a sight to see, me running back and forth all around the front hall, broom and cloth in hand. I would be kneeling over the glaze-coated floor one second, scrubbing at engraved stains, then sweeping on the other side of the entrance in the next.

Every time I rushed past the door, a cool gust of wind forced its way through the castle doors, almost knocking me over every time. Looking out past the steps, I could tell it wasn't the most pleasant day, disappointment rapidly spreading across my face at the thought.

Maybe you shouldn't go outdoors today. Just one day inside to give yourself a break, Khione, it shouldn't be that bad.

I started to doubt myself, maybe it was a good idea to take a break. Ever since I had stepped outside for the first time in months, I had gone out there everyday, taking in the landscape and nature that the Earth provided me.

No, don't be silly Khione. Mother doesn't leave you home alone for a whole twenty-four hours straight often. Don't take it for granted.

And that was all I needed to drop the subject and continue completing the assigned chores. I had almost finished already, only a few more areas needing to be polished until I was completely done. I hummed to myself to keep my mind from wandering off again, to keep myself from doubting the idea even further, although it didn't work very well.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now