𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝐁𝐲 𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬

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"you were too kind, and I was too young to know that's all that really matters."
- house of memories, panic! at the disco

I watched my brother walk out of the house, ducking his head under the low doorway. I saw him patting down his windswept hair before the door closed behind him, turning down the left path. My mind couldn't seem to grasp any reason as to why he didn't want to see or be near Techno, unless something happened while I was away.

"Why," Tommy began, "is your family so dramatic?"

I sighed and gave him a perceptible side-glare. He had his arms crossed with a smug look emerging from his face. His shirt was crinkled on his shoulders, making him look broader than he actually was.

"Why," I began as I copied his position, "are you so dramatic?"

"Me? I'm not dramatic." He defended dramatically with offence. I quirked an eyebrow at his response, earning a huff from him. I opened my mouth to speak again, to change the subject into a more enjoyable topic, but the door angrily swinging open rudely interrupted me.

"Finally," Techno groaned, stepping inside and falling onto the low sofa. His jewel-adorned crown slid down his braided hair and fell onto the soft material of the seat next to him. He leaned back, taking in the full comfort of the settee, whilst still being careful as to not crease his elegant, red cape.

"We're leaving, Tommy" Technoblade announced, "and Khione, you're coming with us."

My eyes grew wide as I acknowledged what my older sibling said. I planted my feet and got ready to shout, moving my body to face the exhausted figure strewn across the comfortable furniture.

"No. No, no, no. I just got here, I want to spend time with my family. I haven't seen them for almost ten months, Techno. Ten months. Do you know what that did to me? Let me spend time with them, catch up on all that I missed." I retorted, gathering myself calmly after my short rant.

I did expect a reaction from my brother, but all he did was bat an eyelid. He didn't sit up. He didn't clap. He didn't even twitch at my dig at him. All he did was grumble and murmur, fueling my anger even more.

"Not only me, but Tommy over here as well!" I shouted, dragging Tommy over to me. "We are both almost seventeen years old, almost adults, so we can obviously do things by ourselves. We don't need some pesky adults moving us around twenty-four-seven, we can do it on our own. Tommy and I are perfectly fine here, so don't think you can come along and take us away."

I steadied my breath, studying Techno for any sign of a movement. When nothing came, I turned my head towards Tommy, meeting his eyes with confusion. All he did was sigh, before slowly shaking his head and glancing at the only adult in the room. I watched as he walked down the hall, head hung low, making his way towards the guest bedroom. I caught a quick glance of my dozing brother before I lightly ran in Tommy's direction.

"What are you doing?" I asked hurriedly, completely out of breath. I leant on the door frame as I awaited his response.

"What does it look like?" He replied snarkily, looking down at the range of novelties he held in his pale hands. It looked like he was packing, ready to leave the place we both wanted to desperately go. He shoved another full bottle into his back pocket before reaching towards my satchel, holding it out in the air for me to take.

"Are you seriously giving up, you didn't even try to fight back." I hissed, keeping my voice low as to not disturb the sleeping man in the front room.

"What's the point, Khione? It's Technoblade, he won't even consider our ideas, let alone agree with them." He retaliated, looking straight back into my eyes. I snatched the bag from his fingers and threw it across the room, it landing softly on the black and white woven rug.

"If you want to go home, fine, do your own thing, but don't expect me to come with you." I explained with a scowl, stomping out of the room with a tinge of guilt. I ripped a piece of paper out of a nearby book and scribbled across the page, reading it over and dumping it on top of Techno's golden crown. I pulled the hood of my cape over my dark and messy hair before stepping outside into the strong wind.

Good luck on the trip home and please don't get lost. I've gone on a walk, and I expect the both of you to be gone before I return. I'm not coming with you, as this is where I want to be - where I've always wanted to be, and you can't take me away. I hope to see you two again soon, and please take my behaviour today lightly, as I was just irritated.


I recited the note in my head, smiling to myself at my mature response. I was walking down the left path because I was hoping to find Ranboo, or at least someone that I already knew. It was when someone shouted out my name that I was brought back to reality, out of the thoughts that swarmed my clouded head. I expected it to be Quackity or even his friend Sapnap, but not a random stranger that I had never seen before.

It was a boy, around 5'10, bounding towards me in great leaps. He wore a colourful hoodie, mixes of purples, blues and greens swirling around it, with black jeans and identical shoes. His brown hair was thick and puffy, and he had some sort of steampunk goggles resting atop his head.

"Hello Khione! I've heard such wonderful things about you, and welcome to the city." He shouted with joy, pulling me into a soft hug. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask."

He quickly pulled out of the hug and stuck his hand out instead. I glanced up at his face, his wide smile shining bright in the sunlight. It made my lips turn up, as I stuck out my hand to shake his.

 It made my lips turn up, as I stuck out my hand to shake his

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1102 words

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