𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐈𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞

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"I love you so, please let me go."
- I love you so, the walters

Writers POV

*4 months ago*

It was chaos.

Blood was everywhere. People were screaming and yelling at each other. Buildings were getting destroyed. It was a disaster.

Pogtopia was attempting to reclaim their rightfully owned town: L'Manburg, which was then under the lead of Schlatt.

He was dead.

One hour ago he died, right in front of thirty soldiers from the opposing team. He had hid away from the war, the violence and the bloodshed and died in Wilbur's own van, disregarding and forgetting about the nation he was supposed to rule whilst he withered in peace.

Although the war was over, or thought to be over, the people still weren't happy. The town was a mess - destroyed and broken - desperately needing attention. The few months Schlatt had taken control were the months that caused the most damage, completely changing the once peaceful area into a destructive battle ground. They wanted their old leader back, they needed their old leader back, but he had something else in mind that nobody was prepared for.

Wilbur's POV

Tubbo was doing his speech. He was the mayor now, and I was happy. I was happy to see everybody wearing a smile, even myself, which I found quite surprising acknowledging the occasion.

I was enjoying myself, watching Tubbo follow in my footsteps. I was upset that Tommy declined my offer, but I was glad he had a reason not to. I was glad he knew where his boundaries stood. Handing the position over to a kind kid like Tubbo would do the city good, it needed a change desperately, and Tubbo was that right one.

When I cast my eyes away from the podium and over to the deteriorating landscape surrounding us, my original plans came rushing back to the front of my head. All of my other peaceful and harmonious thoughts disappeared in an instant, the only thing left in my mind being a sinful and vexatious way.

Remember the button. It's still there, Wilbur.

I devilishly grinned from beneath my hair and made sure all of the citizens were paying attention to their new mayor before slipping away, cautiously creeping behind the side of a nearby hill.

Over the time I had sent away from my own city, the town I had built up from the ground, I'd had quite the change in manner. Many said that I'd grown evil, growing a love for the destruction and death that violence caused, whilst others disagreed. I didn't know where I sat with my opinion, because I knew it was a bit of both.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now