𝐱𝐥𝐢. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝

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"holding hands while the walls come tumbling down."
- everybody wants to rule the world, tears for fears

I woke up with a start, peeling my eyes open to see Tommy's distressed face leaning over my body. He sighed with relief once he noticed my wary state and held out a shaky hand to haul me away from the soft mattress I had been resting on. His other hand was too busy raking through his hair, something I realised he did when he was scared or nervous.

"What's going on?" I asked in a raspy voice. His eyes moved from the wall to my face, letting me see the raw emotion present in both of his irises. It was clear that something had happened, or something was happening, and it wasn't good. Three words and three words only came to my mind at that moment: Dream and Technoblade. "They're here, aren't they."

Tommy started bouncing on the tips of his toes, letting out a few quivery breaths before responding. "We gotta go." He bolted out of the room in a flash with me not far behind him. Ranboo, Quackity and Ghostbur were already standing outside with the front door left wide open, letting a harsh breeze flow throughout the base. They weren't moving, just standing still in a daze, until we rushed outside to pull them towards the commotion in the distance.

Explosions and screams could be heard for miles, ringing through the dark morning sky. Clouds hung low in the atmosphere to the point where you couldn't see the top half of some of the towers dotted around the city, creating an eerie aura. I knew what was happening before we even made it to our destination.

We were at war.


Upon our arrival, we were taken aback by all of the permanent damage that had already been done.

L'Manburg was covered in craters and holes that weren't there before, indicating the reckless use of TnT. Houses were slightly destroyed and paths were covered in rocks and dirt, the many lakes and ponds no longer their usual ocean blue, but murky brown. Dark grey monsters were flying around the sky, there being at least nine or ten, shooting balls of destruction at each of their targets. The citizens were risking their lives to save the town they called home, screaming and crying whilst slaughtering the mysterious flying beings. It was clear that the city was dying.

In the gloomy sky, a large grid of obsidian was built overnight, covered in TnT and other efficient explosives. I knew that somebody had to be up there to control the devices and where they landed, and I had a pretty good idea as to who it would be. I looked beside me towards Tommy who was frozen with sudden shock and anguish, his eyes glazed over with a watery substance and his lips curved down into a frown. I brought him out of his daze with a question, turning my full body towards him to show that he had my full attention.

"Tommy?" I asked softly, not wanting to scare him with my voice, "what are those things in the sky?" I pointed towards one of the many three-headed monsters, watching his line of sight change from my features to the flying being.

"Withers," he replied instantly, "and they're hard to kill." It was clear that he was pained by the sight of his hometown being obliterated right in front of his eyes, so I glanced down and gently took his hand in mine, giving it a squeeze to show my assurance.

"Stay safe, okay?" I told him before turning my body around, trying to find a way up to the grids in the sky. My eyes landed on a tall ladder that scaled the side of the structure, but before I could even take a step in that direction, I was pulled back by the hand still interlaced with mine.

"No, Khione, you're staying with me." He commanded sternly, his eyes scanning every feature on my face.

"Tommy-" I trailed off, tilting my head slightly down and squeezing my eyes shut with sadness. We both felt a pang in our hearts as we knew what we had to do, and it was the opposite of what we both wanted.

"I can't lose you." Tommy whispered under his breath, his voice slightly cracking with pure misery. I glanced up to meet his eyes and immediately melted under his heart-broken stare.

"And I can't lose you." I whispered back, pulling my other hand on top of our already conjoined ones. "The only way we can win this is if we split up, and you know that. Trust me, Tommy, I'll be okay. Focus on yourself and nobody else."

He lowered his gaze briefly before pulling me into a tight hug. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and mine were slung around his neck, gripping onto the back of his shirt firmly. We stayed like that for only a few seconds before the sounds of explosions started again, pulling us away from each other with determination. We both nodded at each other and span around, running in completely opposite directions with completely different objectives.

I climbed the ladder with ease, throwing one arm and one leg up after the other. I heaved myself onto the high platform and let out a huge breath I didn't realise I was holding in, spinning around so I could see the top of the entire grid in the sky. Whilst I was up there, everyone below me was busy fighting and killing the Withers that were destroying their homes, including Tommy, who had found Tubbo in the midst of the warzone.

I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, my pupils flicking over to the area on the left instantly. Standing a few platforms away from me was none other than Dream who was already reaching behind him to draw out his sword as soon as his eyes caught mine.

I felt anger empower me as I pulled myself away from the rocky structure, striding over to the psychotic man with rage. I pushed my hands out in front of me and summoned my cold powers in my palms. Streaks of white and blue danced around my hands as I approached Dream, his feet planted beneath his shoulders and his hands grasping onto the grip of his weapon tightly. We didn't exchange words, being too busy mentally preparing ourselves for the upcoming fight, until he let a short sentence slip out of his mouth.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long," he dragged out, creating unnecessary suspense, "long time."

1160 words

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1160 words

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