𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐧

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"baby, I'm not moving on. I'll love you long after you're gone."
- gone, gone, gone, phillip phillips

Tommy's POV

*2 weeks ago*

"Why couldn't I just stay there, I wasn't going to get caught." 

I was angry at Techno. I was angry at his thoughts, his behaviour and the way he treated both Khione and I. He treated us like we were children who needed guidance with everything - which we definitely didn't - and made all the decisions for the both of us. We were seventeen, we didn't need someone telling us what to do. We could make our own decisions by ourselves, without Techno pulling us away from all the fun and excitement.

"You don't know that, it's very dangerous there. I shouldn't even be letting Khione stay there. Gosh, are you stupid Tommy, what were you thinking?" Techno yelled, his booming voice projecting through the forest.

We left L'manburg an hour ago and began heading towards his homely cottage in the middle of nowhere. I hated it there, there was nothing to do and nobody to see. When I was there I felt trapped and isolated, confined to the building and its surrounding yards. 

"I didn't want to be stuck there anymore! I'm still a teenager for fucks sake, I should be out having fun and partying all the time. That's what I want to do, go out and socialise, not be stuck in the middle of nowhere. My childhood was rough alright, I just wanna have fun while I still can, and by doing this Techno, you're taking that away from me." I stormed away from the well-built man and continued down the path, trying to get as far away from him as possible. My quick pace turned into jogging, before I was completely sprinting in the direction of the lonely household. 

As my breathing began to grow ragged my thoughts ran wild. All of my anger was pushed down to my feet, powering me away from Techno and the cities miles behind him. I was angry at the world - I was angry at everyone. I felt like no one understood me, my problems or my thought process, and it pained me. I wanted someone to understand - I needed someone to understand. I felt alone in this cold world and I despised it. I was desperate, desperate for anything or anyone to help me.

I had Khione, I knew I had Khione, but I thought she was gone. Before I had left she had seemed so angry and I'd never seen her looking so betrayed. It finally occurred to me that I had left her in that city and ruined all of our plans. We were supposed to do so much together and we were never ever supposed to leave each other, but I had done just that. I wanted to punch Techno for forcing me away and I wanted to punch myself for letting him. 

Taking a deep breath, I eventually let myself slow down, now content with how much space I thought was between Technoblade and I. However, I didn't let myself stop completely because I could sense the closeness of the cottage. The trees beside me began to look familiar from all of the exploring I used to do, before I had met Khione at our spot. There was clear footprints from boots pressed into the deep snow that matched those from Techno, making it clear how close I really was to the building. When I'd travelled to L'manburg with Khione it had taken us hours upon hours to get there, but this time it only took a few. I didn't know how long I had been running for or how fast I had been running but that was the only logical explanation I could muster as to why it had taken such a short amount of time to get here.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now