𝐱. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞

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"I wanna see you, give me five minutes."
- best interest, tyler the creator

The previous week had consisted of me waking up, meeting Tommy and sleeping. That was it. It might have been simple but it was the most exciting week I had ever had since Mother took me away, hiding me from the outdoors and the people of the area. Mother had started going out for longer periods of time, sometimes only making it home for a couple minutes before leaving again. I'd found out I didn't need to do the chores at all because she had stopped checking ages ago, meaning that all of the work I had put into it was useless and all of those days I could have been free, exploring the forest surrounding me.

During the week, the meet ups with Tommy had grown increasingly longer, due to Mother's absence becoming more frequent. I had learnt more about him, like his personality and living arrangements, as well as why he was living in the wilderness in the first place.

He had informed me of his exile, and how it had happened, which I thought was utterly stupid and unnecessary. Yes, he was in the wrong for burning down an innocent man's house, but that didn't mean he had to be banished from the city, as well as its neighbours. It was a much harsher punishment than needed, and I told the distraught teenager that, voicing my opinion on the matter. He agreed with me, but still moved on from the touchy subject.

We were even, Tommy and I, and we would tell each other everything. The only exception was being my past, which thankfully he hadn't asked about yet, but I was sure he would begin to grow curious sooner or later. I was dreading the moment he would ask the depressing question but I was prepared, which eased my nerves just a little bit.

I was worried that when he would find out, he wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore. Obviously not because of my lost family and traumatic past, but because of my abilities to control ice and snow. Who would want to be friends with a freak? That was what my Mother always said anyway, and why would she lie?

I was riding Agny through the forest for the sixth time that week, both of us enjoying the outdoor environment like usual. The fresh air, the cold wind and even the deer that could be heard scattering away in the distance all seemed so unfamiliar yet memorable. I was still getting used to the outside life and the way it all worked together to form such a beautiful world, but I appreciated it all no less.

The horse's mane was spread up in the air, the cool morning wind brushing through it's knots. Her once brown calves had grown streaks of white due to the collection of snow on her skin, contrasting deeply against her chestnut brown coat. It suited her and added more personality to her fur, I thought, adding a cool sense of style and fashion.

"Khione, are you there?" I could hear Tommy's thunderous voice in the distance, coming from the direction of the sun. Agny sped up, eager to meet the well-known voice quicker than before, causing me to grip onto the reins tighter while I let go with one hand, bringing it up to my mouth to shout back.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now