𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞

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"let me sleep, I'm tired of grief."
- the wisp sings, winter aid

Even after thirty minutes, nothing changed. The same flowing conversations filled the cold, wintery air, a bounce still present in both Tommy and I's steps. The horizon had grown orange over time, the sun slowly setting below the line of forest trees and out of our sight. Little clouds escaped our mouths every time we let out a breath, blowing small and unique shapes into the atmosphere around us.

"Aren't you cold?" Tommy puzzled as his bottom lip quivered indefinitely. He was quite literally shaking, having to hold onto his upper arms tightly to create heat beneath his few layers of clothing. I tilted my head in his direction, unaware of the extent of the coldness lurking in the dusk breeze. Tommy, unlike me, being a typical human being, was prone to the winter temperature, with hypothermia well at risk. I, however, was immune to the below freezing weather, an added bonus to my already handy abilities.

"I don't feel the cold Tommy." I informed him with a shrug, holding my hands straight in front of me without shaking to prove it.

"Huh?" He turned towards me, eyebrows raised at the response, clearly not expecting more from my previously unknown powers. 

"It's part of my abilities, so it keeps me safe from frostbite and hypothermia," I explained with few hand gestures, turning to look at the path ahead of us as I did so, "that doesn't mean I'm a walking radiator though."

He stifled a laugh and brought his hands up to his face to block out the cold. His white knuckles contrasted deeply against his reddish hands, the winter breeze taking effect on his already pale skin. Snow was dotted atop his dirty blond hair with his bright pink ears sticking out from underneath, his cheeks red in a constant blush.

I turned back towards the path, trying to peer over the line of forest trees for any sight of the cottage. A few hundred metres away, smoke could be seen drifting up towards the sky, me already feeling warmth flood through my body from the new found source of heat. I tapped Tommy on the shoulder which forced him to leave the comfort of his hands, much to his dismay. 

"Look, we're almost there." I announced excitedly as I bounced on the tips of my toes. I pointed towards the clearly visible grey clouds ascending into the sky, watching as his eyes lit up with hope. Completely forgetting about the numbness in his body, he sprinted away, leaving me to walk down the path alone with a content smile.

Listening to the soft breeze blowing past my ears, I calmly strode down the path towards the clearing. Tommy's large footsteps were left imprinted in the snow, soon to be covered over time, yet still leading the way to the destination I was heading to. 

I loved the forest. It came with the sense of peace and tranquility that filled the lone air, the birds chirping creating a soft melody that consistently rang in the distance. It was my happy place. The forest was my happy place.  

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now