𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐒𝐡𝐡

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"when I'm in a room with you, that missing piece is found."
- missing piece, vance joy

"This is my home." I sighed out, throwing my arms wide at the sight of the palace. I watched his expression change in a matter of seconds, face displayed in awe and adoration. He was clearly dazzled, not expecting such a magnificent castle to be my place of accommodation. 

The sun reflected off the icy exterior walls, sending blinding beams of light in every direction. Hand carved architecture framed the palace inside and out, perfecting it's majestic appearance. I gently grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his trance, leading him through the great front doors. 

"You literally cannot complain, like ever again." He mumbled through his continuous gasp, his soft voice slightly echoing through the empty hall. I stifled a laugh, knowing his opinion would change as soon as he stepped foot in the tunnel.  

I dragged him along behind me, his unmindful manner bringing laughter up to bubble in my throat. He kept averting his eyes to the blue banners hanging from the wall, the delicate artistry being quite eye-catching. 

I approached the staircase and sighed. We would have to go one at a time, I didn't want to risk the whole thing breaking with both of us on it. We would be stuck down the bottom for the rest of eternity. "Tommy, you go first." I quickly demanded with a slight push to his shoulders in the stair's direction.

"What do you mean you go first, I'm the guest here." He shot back at me, a look of disgust spreading across his downturned face. He had a point, which was why I decided to risk my life and descend down the rickety stairway before him.

I slowly stepped down the staircase, gripping onto the handrail so tightly that my knuckles had turned white. I peeked over the steel bannister to look down at the pile of loose bolts that had collected at the bottom over time. It resulted in me quickening my pace, wanting to get off the hazardous obstacle as soon as possible. 

"I'm off, you can come down now." I shouted up the stairway with my hands cupped around my mouth so I could project my voice to the ground floor. I heard heavy footsteps banging against the small, metal platforms, shaking the entire staircase as he made his way down. My thoughts ran wild, anxiety filling every square inch of my head. He was going to break it. I thought he was going to break it.

"Tommy, be careful, you might break it." I voiced my concern instantly, slowly creeping away from the trembling steps.

"I'm not gonna fuckin' break it woman, who do you think I am?" He shouted down from his still carelessly moving position. I leaned against the wall and shook my head at his stupidity. I patiently waited at the bottom, listening to his giant footsteps echoing down the stairs and filling the tunnel. As his footsteps grew louder, I regained my posture, eager to leave the castle as quickly as I could. I hated it there so, so much. All the bad memories just swarmed around me, enclosing myself with my own self-made fear and hatred. 

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now