𝐱𝐥. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐫

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"I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime, and I'm pretty sure that you're that love of mine."
- dandelions, ruth b

"I don't understand, why can't I go up there?" I asked, genuinely confused and annoyed.

We were standing off to the side of the path that lead to the Community House, being concealed by the many bushes and trees that lined the wooden road. Tommy, Quackity and I were huddled together in the shadows of the tree branches and leaves, waiting for Tubbo's appearance. He was the mayor of L'Manburg, so he was the person who had to present a speech in front of all the citizens of his town to inform them of the death defying news, the war against Dream and Technoblade.

"Because Khione, it's still not safe for you to be out in the open like that. Just stay here, please." Quackity argued, trying to keep me from being assassinated. I knew it wouldn't happen, but I could see where he was coming from, so I did what he said to calm his sky-rocketing nerves.

I peeked through the greenery surrounding us to look at the large crowd forming in front of the makeshift stage, big enough to fit three people on it comfortably. Ranboo and Ghostbur had already joined the well-formed horde by the time we had arrived, but we decided to wait for Tubbo in case he was nervous. We were glad we did, because he was very distraught upon his arrival.

"Tubbo, hey man!" Quackity cheered when he saw the small boy's figure running towards us from the other side of the Community House, away from the eyes of the people.

"Finally," Tommy began as he looked up through the gaps in the trees and at the sky, holding his hands in a praying position, "took your time."

I took note of Tubbo's flailing arms and heavy breathing, wondering what could have made him so frantic. He stumbled through the bushes and looked directly at Tommy without acknowledging Quackity and I next to him. We looked at each other with a raised brow before questioning his strange demeanour.

"Are you okay Tubbo?" I asked politely, slowly walking over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He was leaning over his legs with his hands on his knees as he tried to regain his breath, but my touch startled him and he looked up at me with wide eyes. He wildly shook his head which caused a stir to erupt from the three of us, asking him what was wrong.

"I can't do this anymore, I can feel myself collapsing already. It's so draining, I don't even have enough time for myself." He stated through large gasps of fresh air. Quackity, Tommy and I all exchanged confused looks before urging him to continue.

"What are you saying Tubs?" Tommy asked with confusion, taking a few steps towards the boy to be by my side. I quickly glanced at Quackity to the other side of me to see that he was walking out of the clearing. He saw me watching him and pointed to the crowd, in which I nodded with understanding in response. I turned back to the two other teenagers - one with crossed arms and one now leaning against a tree trunk for stability - after my brother disappeared beyond the shrubbery.

"I wanna resign from being the mayor," he paused for a breath, "of L'Manburg."

I gasped with shock and pushed my foot backwards, leaning on it for balance. Tommy was just as surprised as I was, dropping his once crossed arms to dangle by his sides and his mouth parting open after the revelation was disclosed.

"But what about the speech? What about the town? What about the war?" Tommy listed with concern as his eyebrows lifted from anxiety. I placed a hand just above his elbow and gripped his arm, comforting him in the only way I could. I knew this was an issue, a very big issue, and I didn't know what to do.

"That's why you're going to take over for me." Tubbo declared as he finally stood up straight and pointed a finger into Tommy's chest. A breath of realisation flew out of my mouth as my lips turned up, happy that the boy I had grown so close to finally got the chance to achieve his lifelong dream. I looked up at him, expecting to see him grinning wildly, but was instead met with a worrisome and distressed face.

"Tommy what's wrong? This is what you wanted, isn't it?" I queried whilst dragging his attention away from Tubbo. Tubbo shared my same look of confusion at the now highly anxious teenager, watching him softly pull away from me and pace around the small area. I frowned immediately, not expecting this worried behaviour from him after hearing such wonderful news.

"I can't do this, I'm not prepared," he stressed and muttered under his breath, not noticing Tubbo and I's strong gazes, "I don't know how to do this, I don't know how."

After hearing his quiet words of doubt, I rushed over to him and grabbed both of his forearms gently before softly easing him out of his daze.

"Tommy," I whispered only loud enough for him to hear. He perked up at my voice and glanced up to my eyes, visibly relaxing after seeing my calm features. "you can do this. I know for a fact that you can and will be the most amazing mayor of L'Manburg, and you're gonna save that hopeless town from the devastation and destruction that's looming upon it." I removed my hands from his arms and slid them across his cheeks, cupping his face in my porcelain hands. "Go do what you were born to do."

He softly smiled at me before morphing his features into a more serious and stern look, nodding at me with determination and power. "I am gonna be a good mayor," He muttered to himself without breaking eye-contact with me, "and I am gonna save this town from those assholes."

I beamed proudly at him whilst nodding my head profusely, a pink tint taking over my cheeks.

"Before you go, whatever you do, do not go down Wilbur's path, promise me you won't." I went to slide my hands away from his face but before they could fall to my sides, Tommy grabbed them gently and held them warmly in his.

"I promise you." He pledged with a comforting smile.

I stood on my tippy-toes and angled my face to the side, placing a feathery kiss on his cheek. When I pulled away, both of our faces burst into flames, turning a bright shade of red all over. We softly smiled at each other before I pointed towards the empty stage and the conversing citizens. "Now go."

He saluted me and ran off, Tubbo waving at me lightly and taking off after him. I giggled at their strange and unusual manner before watching them take the stage with a proud grin.

Tommy tapped the microphone twice to test if it worked or not, and once he was sure it did, he cleared his throat to attract the attention of the large crowd in front of him. As they drew themselves out of their conversations, he looked at me through the trees. I knew he couldn't see my hidden face but he smiled in my direction, clearly meaning for it to find me.

"Alright everyone. Tubbo," Tommy motioned towards the boy standing behind him. "brought you all here today so we could inform you of tomorrow's agenda. In less than twenty-four hours, ladies and gentlemen, we will be at war with Dream and Technoblade. And I, Tommy, as the new mayor of L'Manburg, will be leading you all to victory."

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