𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧

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"this cannot be reversed. learn from the ones we fear the most."
- candles, daughter

Dream's POV

That was it: Oriethyia's castle.

Its icy-blue pointed turrets stood against the mountain side, the glazed walls reflecting the sun and the sky. A snow slope made a perfect pathway up to the grand doors and snow-covered pergola connected to the rooftop, as well as a wooden barn. I slowly slid my porcelain mask above my eyes to take in the magnificent building and landscape, my mouth opening agape at its pure beauty.

I clasped the sword hanging from my right shoulder as I started making my way up the small hill. My black combat boots softly sank into the dense snow after each step, due to their heaviness and enormity. I quickly slid my mask back down the bridge of my nose, not yet trusting the so-called "Queen" with my face and it's identity. 

Listening to the rustling of the trees, I walked up to the front entrance. The pergola roof had arches of ice curved below the eaves, adding extra detail to the already intricate design. I looked under my mask to see my reflection in the varnished celeste tiles, somehow withstanding the below-freezing weather. My green hoodie and black belt swung over my shoulder contrasted deeply against the white roof above me, as well as my mask staring right back at me.

Before I could even knock on the giant front doors, they flung open, revealing an identical replica of the exterior. A lady in an elegant black dress stood in front of them and looked straight at me with her piercing, emerald eyes. I watched her lips move ever so slightly as she spoke.

"How was your trip?" She asked sarcastically, wickedly grinning at my mask.

"Splendid m'lady." I responded, bowing and smirking afterwards. She raised a sharp eyebrow before turning and flicking her lengthy dress behind her. Her heels clicked on the plaster flooring, as did mine, echoing through the halls that were forking off the main entrance. The only decorations in the room were the tiny wooden tables running down the walls, with white tablecloths and ferns adorning them.

"I suppose you want to talk about my daughter." Oriethyia guessed, glancing over her shoulder at me whilst she was walking. 

"Yes, I suppose I do." I acknowledged, discreetly shifting my mask slightly upwards.

She began changing direction, heading towards the left hall and first room. What I did not expect was a huge dining table, a three course meal and a giant chandelier to be waiting for us when we walked through the already open double doors. I froze with surprise before walking over to the opposite end of the refectory table, gently placing a napkin on my legs.

"So, where to begin?" The "Queen" pondered from her end of the table, nothing but a crystal candelabra blocking our view of each other. I reached for the utensils situated perfectly parallel to each other in front of me, eager to eat the delicious-looking food.

"What does she look like, and do you have any ideas on where she might have gone?" I inquired, already chewing on the baked potatoes.

"Well, she has my hair, usually let down wildly. She's very pale, and has disgusting brown eyes. She'll most likely be wearing a black hooded-cape, like she always does," she listed, rolling her eyes at the last part, "and she probably went to your hometown, she never shut up about it."

"Why did she want to go to the Dream SMP?" I asked, extremely intrigued at her response.

"She thought she would find her family, her father. Her father is dead, how stupid is she?" She scoffed, letting her fork clash with her China plate rather violently. "I killed her father months ago, she's so oblivious." 

My eyes widened beneath the bottom of my mask, taken aback by her response. "You killed your husband?" I asked with uncertainty.

"It wasn't a happy marriage, never was. My sons all left so I killed him while I had the chance, and then ran away with Khione." She replied with pride, no remorse noticeable in her tone.

Khione must be the daughter Dream, remember that.

I stifled a laugh, realising that we shared the same attitude towards sour relationships. Noticing that I had her trust, I stood up and slid my chair backwards. Now having her full attention, I quickly ripped my mask off my face, uncovering my fluffy blonde hair and dark hazel eyes. I watched her eyes glimmer as she took in my features, before slowly walking around to her seat.

"I say I have enough information, won't you agree?" I asked with a smirk as I walked out of the room, leaving her stunned in her seat.

"I-uh, yes. Most certainly." She responded, rushing to catch up to me down the hall.

I listened to her heels progressively getting louder as she ran up to me, swapping from being the leader to the follower. I ran my fingers gingerly through my puffed up hair to focus my attention on something other than the mistress trailing behind me.

"Where are you leading me?" She asked, pulling me out of my slight daze. In all honesty, I didn't know where I was going, I didn't know where anything was. 

"To the front door." I replied, wincing at how rude that sounded. "Not that I want to leave-"

I span around to face her, continuing to walk but backwards. "I would stay here forever, but I need to go. I have some important business to attend to back at home." I told her, catching her cheeks turn crimson before spinning back to my original walking position.

"Oh, that's perfecting fine then. You shall head off; I wouldn't want to keep you for longer than necessary." She stated, returning to her professional and "Queen" like manner. I smiled softly at her seriousness, growing quite fond of her company.

"Only if you insist, m'lady." I pulled the leather strap attached to my mask back over my head before stepping outside into the frigid evening air. I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie over my hands to keep them warm and walked towards the land blanketed in snow. I turned around and saw Oriethyia waving me off, smiling with pure emotion. I slightly waved back to her, annoyed that I had to leave so soon.

"Be back soon, perhaps with good news!" She shouted from the front entrance. I could see a hint of sadness in her bright green eyes as she waved me off once again, clearly upset to see me go.

"Perhaps! Goodbye m'lady!" I saluted, beginning to walk backwards with a smile.

For her. For her I was going to come back with good news - the news she wanted. The news she needed.

 The news she needed

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1191 words

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