𝐱𝐥𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥

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"I'll see you when I fall asleep."
- little talks, of monsters and men

My eyes fluttered open to take in my surroundings, bewildered and confused on how I'd moved from Mother's castle to Quackity's base without knowing. So many questions were begging to be answered in my brain, needing to know the logical explanation of the events I'd just witnessed. Was it real or was it all a dream?

I harshly rubbed my eyes to clear my vision and stretched out my stiff limbs before pushing myself away from the moulded mattress to hang off the side of it. I pressed my feet against the frigid floorboards and tilted my head up, studying the sleeping boy on the other side of the small room. However, he didn't seem peaceful like most people are when they're dreaming, he seemed nervous and frightened. That was enough to spike my concern.

I quietly moved towards his bed and shook his shoulder lightly, his eyes opening wide with worry. He sat up in a frenzy, brushing a hand through his matted hair as his eyes darted around the room, coming to rest on me. Once his eyes caught mine, he sighed with relief and fell back onto his mattress, running a slightly shaky hand down his face.

"Are you all right, Tommy?" I asked with concern, gently sitting on the edge of his bed. I couldn't seem to move my sight anywhere other than his face. I blamed it on my anxiety.

He moved his hand away from his face slowly, allowing me to see his downturned features, before sitting up and moving next to me in one swift movement. He eyed my hand that was clinging tightly to the edge of the mattress, picking up the courage to delicately lay his hand on mine.

"I don't know what it was," he began quietly, aware of the other's possibly sleeping in the base, "it was like a dream but it felt so real."

After my brain fully processed his words, it began whirring back to life with numerous questions and explanations for the 'dream' I had that night. What if he had the same dream? Maybe it wasn't a dream at all.

"I had a dream like that too. What was yours about?" I questioned with intrigue, turning my head towards him to soak in his words with as much detail as possible.

"We all went to the castle, you were there too, and we talked to your mother. And then all of a sudden-" Tommy started before I cut him off, already knowing where the story was going.

"Phil appeared," I finished, staring deep into his soft blue eyes, "and took her away."

"You had it too." He realised, his eyes staring passionately into mine. I gulped and nodded gently before resting my head on his shoulder, squeezing my eyes shut to try and find a moment of peace. Things just kept happening. Why couldn't it all just stop? Why couldn't I spend one moment with the boy I like that didn't involve some kind of twisted plot or wicked demise?

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now