𝐱𝐥𝐯. 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫

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"boy, you wanna play with magic. you should know what you're falling for."
- dark horse, katy perry

I wanted to go back. Back to the castle, back to mother.

I knew I couldn't go alone, so I spent the day in Quackity's base mustering up a plan - one that seemed reasonable and logical, realistic after the horrid events of the previous night. I needed to do something to take my mind off of the guilt and regret swarming through my brain continually, and returning to the icy palace appeared to be the only option that stood out to me more than the rest.

I waited until everyone had returned: Tommy, Ranboo, Quackity and Ghostbur. I wanted them all to come, to either support me or stand up for me. I knew I wouldn't even need to ask Quackity, as he would agree no matter the circumstances, but I wasn't so sure about the others, particularly Ranboo.

"Are you insane?" Ranboo yelled, standing up from his seated position on the arm chair to pace the length of the room. Tommy looked at me with sympathetic eyes before giving me a gentle nod, one that you had to focus on to actually see, as Ghostbur tilted his head to the side with a confused expression.

"Mother, who's mother?" Ghostbur asked innocently, frowning when he didn't recall her name. Ranboo and I shared a look between his aggressive marching before I sighed and glanced down at my fiddling hands in my lap.

"She's our mother, Ghostbur, unfortunately. I was with her before I came here." I informed him without moving my gaze, staring deeply into the fidgeting fingers before me. I heard him gasp which immediately caught my attention, my eyes flicking to his in an instant. He was standing on top of the coffee table in the middle of the large Persian rug that blanketed the concrete floor, not sitting on it with his legs crossed like he was beforehand. His hands were covering his mouth as he let out an excited squeal and jumped down, running straight towards Ranboo and shaking his arms energetically.

"I can finally meet her, I can finally meet her!" He repeated with a grin. "Please let us go, we can all go. I just wanna see her."

Ranboo looked down at his dead sibling with a raised brow, debating whether or not to agree to my plans on approaching the castle. He sighed before giving him a curt nod, quickly glancing over to me to see if I had seen him. I had, which was what caused me to jump out of my seat and hug him with force.

"Thank you Ranboo, you won't regret it." I muttered into his chest, feeling his arms wrap around my shoulders and his chin press into the top of my skull.

"I know, I know." He mumbled in return, softly shutting his eyes to take in the moment.

When we pulled away, the front door flung open and Quackity and Sapnap strided in, throwing us all a smile in greeting.

"Why hello my finest siblings," Quackity addressed with a pause once his eyes rested on Tommy's seated figure, "and Tommy." Sapnap walked over to the boy and ruffled his hair, causing Tommy to leap out of his seat and chase the older male around the furniture. I giggled at his over-the-top reaction and told Quackity my plans, awaiting his response patiently.

"Yeah, I'll join you, why not? Nothin' to lose, am I right?" He agreed, turning to look at the two teenagers who were still running after each other, knocking a lamp over in the process. They stopped moving immediately and slowly looked at Quackity, getting a harsh glare from my triplet that they knew was coming. "You idiots, be careful. If you break anything, you're getting it back."

Quackity stomped over to the fallen light and began picking up the broken pieces as Tommy walked over to me and threw an arm around my shoulder. I slightly leaned into him to steal some of his warmth, listening to the words slipping out of his mouth with intrigue and curiosity.

"So, Sapnap, will you join us all on our dangerous mission? Don't wanna be seen as a pussy now do you?" Tommy teased knowingly, earning a nudge to the shoulder from me. He looked down at me with a smirk, causing a storm of butterflies to flutter within me and rub against my sides, a feeling I was used to getting around the blonde boy. I shook my head with a giggle as I turned my attention to the bandana-wielding male on the couch.

"Depends what this dangerous mission is." Sapnap argued with a shrug whilst leaning back into the couch and shutting his eyes exhaustingly.

"We're confronting their mother." Tommy stated simply. Sapnap, however, did not take this simply. His eyes widened and he flew off the piece of furniture, his sight darting between both Tommy and I.

"You're what?" He asked exasperatingly, turning towards Quackity and Ranboo who were still picking up the shattered lampshade. "And you're letting them do this?"

"We're not letting them," Quackity shrugged without removing his stern gaze from the glass on the floor, "we're joining them"

"We need all the help we can get, you should come too." Ranboo added from beside my other triplet, also keeping his eyes trained on the broken lamp. Sapnap sighed with defeat before looking back at Tommy and I again, his irises pulsating with anxiety and distress. I sent him a reassuring smile and walked towards the door, instantly feeling the warmth from Tommy's touch fade away.

"So, we going or what?" I asked from the doorway, leaning against the open entrance. They all shared a look before exiting the base in pairs, me joining Tommy's side as he waited for me to shut the door. I felt his hand press against the back of my shoulder blade lightly as he spoke up, the others already being too far away to listen in to our conversation.

"Khione, are you sure you wanna do this?" He began soothingly, looking down at me with a small frown. "I know it's gonna be hard for you, just don't feel pressured and-"

"Tommy," I cut him off, turning around and grabbing his hand gently in mine. I felt the familiar warmth of his touch travel through my skin as his finger rubbed the back of my hand comfortingly. "I'm okay, I want to do this. I'm the one who suggested it, remember?"

He nodded softly and sent me a gentle smile as he tugged on my arm and pulled me away from the base, both of us starting to jog so we could catch up to the others. Laughter rang through the atmosphere around us as we reunited with my siblings and our friend, conversations merging into one giant play fight.

I was ready. I knew I was ready, yet I couldn't help but feel a tingle of nerves flow throughout my body and down my spine, sending a subtle shiver down my back and neck. I gulped and pressured myself into the conversation surrounding me, ignoring the concerned look that Tommy gave me upon noticing the stressful glance I sent to him. I felt his grip tighten around my palm, and that was what gave me the confidence and surge of guidance that I needed.

Here goes nothing Khione, here goes nothing.

Here goes nothing Khione, here goes nothing

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1287 words

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