𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐯. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲

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"the role you made me play, of the fool. no, I don't like you."
- look what you made me do, taylor swift

Writer's POV

"Tommy?" Quackity shouted as he barged through the wooden door with great force. He stumbled into the front room and scanned the area quickly, his eyes landing on the ladder next to the door. "Ghostbur, you go up and I'll go down."

"What if he comes back?" Ghostbur asked with worry. He was fidgeting with his hands and his eyes were darting anxiously between everything in the room, refusing to meet his brother's eye. 

"Do you trust me?"


Sighing, Quackity quickly repeated the question with his voice a notch louder and sterner. He walked over to Ghostbur's levitating figure and pointed a finger at his chest.

"Well of course, but why-" He began confusingly.

"Techno won't come back if we're quick, so go." Quackity pointed to the top of the ladder before he grabbed the side railings of it, pressing both of his feet onto them too and sliding down it with ease. He looked back up to see Ghostbur gripping onto the rung at his eye level and slowly beginning his ascent. 

Looking at his surroundings, Quackity searched for any possible hiding places. The walls were carved from stone and dozens of stacked chests lined the far wall. To both his left and right were doors that mirrored each other symmetrically. He made his way over to the left, opening the door to the outside yard. He slammed it shut with force, some snow getting pushed inside in the process, covering the tips of his shoes. He groaned at the sudden coldness, wrapping his arms around his body to create heat.

The door on the right was locked. He rattled the door knob with all his strength, trying to force it open, but it wouldn't budge. Quackity threw himself at the door with anger, rubbing his shoulder regretfully where he was sure a bruise would appear later on. It was the door moving from behind his back that brought his attention away from the thoughts in his mind, sending him flying away from it with surprise.

"Techno, is that you?" The voice began, sounding extremely high-pitched and shaky, "can you let me out now, please?"

"Hold on." Quackity thought.

"Tommy, is that you?" He asked the voice, slowly and cautiously advancing towards the door. He heard a breathy laugh of relief come from the opposite side of it, one that he was sure he recognized.

"Big Q." Tommy muttered back, pushing his hand against the wooden door and leaning his head forward out of comfort. He was relieved someone had found him, relieved someone had actually cared.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now