𝐱𝐥𝐯𝐢. 𝐀 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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"I think of the night in the park. it was getting dark, and we stayed up for hours. what a time."
- what a time, julia micheals ft. niall horan

As I pushed open the heavy front doors, a wave of dreaded nostalgia washed over me, causing me to freeze in my place. I had never wanted to return to the dungeon of a palace and yet there I was on my own accord, wishing to be anywhere other than the cold castle.

My eyes glanced around the room, associating the different objects to the different memories that were still freshly engraved in my mind, like the glossy, ice-covered floors and the neatly arranged bouquets of flowers on the decorative tables. I could feel myself slowly crumbling after seeing all of the things I wanted to forget, it all entering my mind at an alarming speed. It was all too overwhelming.

Tommy's gentle touch pulled me out of my trance, him having placed a hand on my shoulder once he saw my deteriorating state. I turned my head to the left so I could look at him and give him a soft nod of thanks before stepping through the grand doorway and into the foyer. I could sense the adoration and astonishment coming from the five people behind me, even Tommy who had already seen the palace's interior and exterior. I snuck a glimpse at the boys and their expressions, wanting to see their reactions to my fancy creation.

They were all looking around the room with amazement, smiles and laughter slipping through their opened lips. They were spinning, twirling and dancing around the room, wanting to take in the massive space whilst they still could. I forgot about why we were there for a few minutes, calmed by the relaxed aura created by the boys, before someone's voice interrupted our meaningful moment.

"Khione, how lovely it is to see you," my head immediately whipped around at the sound of her angelic voice, my smile morphing into that of a scowl. "and to see you've brought friends too, are they my handsome sons?"

The mood in the room instantly dropped as she rounded the corner of one of the halls, her perfect posture and divisive smile setting off a frustrated spark within everybody. The tales of the triplets' and Ghostbur's mother had been shared amongst us all as we had made our way towards the castle, so even Sapnap knew of the wicked misdeeds the lady had conspired. To say we were all angry was an understatement. We were seeking revenge.

"Mother." I seethed through my gritted teeth, not taking my eyes away from the sinister woman staring at me with gleaming eyes. I clenched my fists by my sides as I saw my siblings and friends step up next to me, us creating a line in the middle of the entrance room. We had formed a barricade, one that not even mother could escape through.

Her evil smile didn't falter as we created the barrier, her only reaction to it consisting of placing a hand on her hip. Her dress was long and clean, trailing behind her on the floor of the hallway. It was black with rubies and diamonds scattered around it, an identically designed crown sitting perfectly atop her neatly pulled back raven hair. Her giant earrings glimmered in the reflected light, dangling from her earlobes like icicles from a tree, hanging on for dear life. She hadn't changed at all.

Her dark red lips moved softly with every word she spoke, her eyes shining whenever she mentioned her daughter and sons. Her long, fake eyelashes battered heavily after each blink, weighing down her shaded eyelids and smooth skin. She was flawless, no doubt about it, but she was fake through and through.

"We know what you did, we all know." Quackity spoke up from beside me, stepping forward slightly to show intimidation. I quickly shot a look to where he had stepped away from and saw Sapnap, sharing a stern nod and smile with him that sparked the needed determination and confidence within my heart. It pounded harshly against my rising and falling chest, making me feel somewhat nauseous and unwell, but I shook it away and walked to Quackity's side, crossing my arms and planting my feet.

"Do you, now? Well it was about time." She shrugged the heinous crime off, casting her eyes to Ranboo who was yet to mutter a word. "Oh my dearest Ranboo, how I've missed you. Come here and give your mother a hug."

"I'm not going near you, not after what you did to us." He muttered under his breath, hanging his head low with disappointment. I watched our mother frown and furrow her brows before she returned to her pleased demeanour with a twisted grin.

"What can I say, he deserved it, did he not?" She defended herself with a remorseless wink, beginning to walk around the side of the room. Tommy saw this, and as he was the closest to the woman, decided to take control of the situation and drew out his sword. It gleamed in the sunlight shining through the high windows, blinding everything that was looking it's way. He stuck it out to the side, in front of where mother was headed, and shook his head as she looked to him with harsh eyes.

"Get that primordial sword out of my way before I do it myself." She stated fiercely, trying to threaten the armoured boy. He subtly flinched, something only I noticed, before he spoke up again.

"Sorry miss, but no can do." He appointed with a shake of his head, walking in front of her to block her completely. I started to walk over to the two with my abilities swirling around my hands but a harsh light threw me off, causing me to throw my palms to my eyes, barely catching sight of my mother falling to the ground lifelessly. Groaning and hissing could be heard bouncing off the walls of the room, coming from everyone and everywhere. The beam of light was white, more white than anything I had ever seen before, and it blinded me for what felt like hours. Once I finally removed my hands from my watering eyes, I saw a scene in front of me that I couldn't shake away, one that I would never forget.

Everyone else was still rolling on the floor, trying to rub away the pain coming from their pupils. I was the only one that could see him; him and his glorious beauty.

His renowned wings were flapping in the air as he softly descended to the ground, heading straight towards the only other female in the palace. His beloved hat was planted firmly on top of his shaggy, blonde hair and didn't budge no matter how much he moved, staying positioned where it was placed. I couldn't help but notice the same transparency in his skin as Ghostbur's, the wall and decorations behind him visible in my eyes. Gasps and shouts filled the room as the others began to peel open their bloodshot eyes, catching sight of the man they were all familiar with, even if it was just from his stories.

Father. It was father.

I was in complete disbelief, continuously blinking to try and prove to myself that it was all real. I tried to run towards his bent over figure but I couldn't move, an invisible weight holding me back from wrapping my arms around the adored man. He picked my mother up bridal style, her head lying limp in his arms, before glancing gently over to us. Our shocked sounds stopped as each of our eyes locked onto his, waiting for him to say something, anything, to us at all.

"This is what must be done," he stated simply, looking down to the unconscious woman in his arms with a small smile. "I love you all so much. So, so much."

He spared one last glance at me, smiling genuinely with a wink, before taking off once again, another harsh light filling all of our eyes. That time, however, I didn't manage to regain my sight. Instead, I dropped to the floor.

And it all went black.

And it all went black

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1422 words

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