𝐱𝐥𝐢𝐯. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥

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"my god, amazing how we got this far, it's like we're chasing all those stars."
- secrets, one republic

Tommy's POV

I had a plan to prove my dedication to being the mayor of L'Manburg, even if the city was no longer. I wanted to show the citizens of the late town what I could have done - or what I should have done - when it was still sitting perfectly beside the Dream SMP. The plan involved a new friend of mine, an associate at best. That associate was none other than Sam.

"So is it a deal?" I stuck my hand out in front of him, watching his expression for any signs of a falter. He stared at my open palm for a few seconds before reaching out and shaking it firmly, sealing the agreement. I grinned instantly and threw my hands into the air, shouting with glee at the plans we had created earlier that morning. Sam chuckled at my dramatic reaction before walking past me, moving towards the empty space of land I owned.

"Let me go put the diamonds away for safety measures," Sam announced with a loud voice, looking at my happy figure from over his shoulder, "and then I'll get someone to come here to help you."

I frowned at his last statement, not knowing previously that it wouldn't be him that I would be working with. I crossed my arms and huffed before chasing after him with flailing arms.

"Why would I pay you if you're not even gonna do it?" I exasperatedly asked. He shook his head and turned around, continuing to walk towards his home but backwards.

"He's a close friend of mine, you can trust him. He's better than me, and I need to watch over the prison, I don't have the time." Sam defended proudly with a wide smile. He stopped walking and patted me twice on the shoulder, nodding once and taking off yet again. I stayed with my feet glued to the wooden path, watching the man carrying my stacks of diamonds away skip down the road with no plans of returning.

I sighed exhaustingly and turned around, wiping a warm hand down my face to try and get rid of my tiredness. I went to walk past the sold lot to get back to Quackity's base but stopped upon noticing something occupying the once empty area. There, standing at the entrance to the grassy land, was an animal. Well, it was what looked like an animal.

I slowly and carefully approached the being, beyond confused on what it was doing and how it got there. The closer I got, the more I realised how big it was, and the more I recognized the strange creature.

I remembered a few years ago when Tubbo randomly ran up to me and showed me a picture of an unusual looking animal, one that I had never seen or heard of before. He said it was a tanuki, or a racoon dog, and that was exactly what the critter in front of me looked like.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now