𝐱𝐯𝐢. 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

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"thought the things you said would turn out true, guess that's what I get for trusting you."
- flying, cody fry

"Try to be back by dusk!" Technoblade shouted from the front door whilst mixing the potion in his hand.

The morning breeze had already fled with a glaring sun replacing it, its strong rays shining through the forest leaves. Its warmth fought against the coldness of the snowy floor beneath us, causing a pleasant temperature to fill the fresh air. Tommy and I knew we had to be quick as it was mid-afternoon, meaning Mother would be returning to the castle soon, and we didn't want to get caught.

"Alright, we're away from him now, so tell me this plan." Tommy whispered, his eyes darting around the forest, suspiciously scanning for any sign of human life. His cautiousness brought laughter to my throat, it bubbling up and out into the atmosphere.

"Tommy, there's no need to whisper. Nobody's out here." I reassured him, raising my voice to its normal volume to prove my point.

"But how can you be sure, we don't want a monster to ruin our plan." He responded sarcastically with a grimace.

I relaxed from my tense state once he had lifted the strained mood, Technoblade's presence having had an effect on the way we both acted. I knew he was my brother and everything, and that I should've trusted him with my life, but I couldn't. I didn't know what it was but he was different, way different, to when I used to live with him. He radiated a bad aura, it always following him around like a child to its parents. I didn't like it one bit, so I refrained from growing unguarded.

"Tommy, what's going on with Techno?" I asked after some contemplation, turning my head to meet his peering eyes.

He sighed. A long, exhausted sigh that told me he saw the question coming. "I gotta be honest here, I don't really know. But something fuckin' weird is going on and I don't like it." He replied hastily.

"He never used to be like this," I stated through my thoughts, mostly talking to myself, "at home I mean."

"Did he used to be like you?" Tommy questioned naively, earning a snort in response. The Technoblade acting like me? Never.

Technoblade was the fighter, the swordsman, who only cared for his family and his opinions. He was always outside trying to craft new weapons or create more harmful drinks, whereas I would reserve myself to the library indoors with our brother Wilbur to read and learn the bookish things. Wilbur and I were what people called the nerds of the family, but him being older got the most of it. Everyone had a set stereotype, being the best at what they professionalised in, whilst I was just me. Khione. The only sister.

"Technoblade like me? Never." He laughed along with me, already guessing what the answer would be beforehand. It was obvious, obvious to anybody who'd ever met both Techno and I.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now