𝐱𝐱. 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐬

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"running wild and running free, two kids, you and me."
- renegades, x ambassadors.

"Khione. Khione. Khione." Tommy whisper-shouted as he shook my slumped and relaxed shoulders. I shifted on the makeshift mattress, tiredly pulling up the soft duvet to block out the frustrated voice. I was still half asleep, which is why I couldn't recognize the noise, therefore annoying the young boy who was in a hurry to wake me up. I felt someone grab my hips, shaking me until I reluctantly escaped my comfortable, self-made bed nest. I brought my hands up to my eyes, rubbing them awake and glaring at the unrecognisable and still-blurry figure in front of me.

"What." I snapped, quickly blinking over and over again to try and make my sight clearer. It was very early in the morning and the sun was yet to rise, which I noticed from the lack of light in the tiny basement room. I continued to blink rapidly, trying to attain sight in the darkness, slowly focusing on the figure standing across from me at the base of the bed.

"We gotta go, Techno will be up soon." Tommy informed, crossing his arms angrily as he strode across the room. Realising what he was talking about, I hurriedly scrambled across the messy quilt to slide on my winter boots, the simple and tedious plan coming together in my head with every movement I made. He led me upstairs and out of the front door without making any sound, us not muttering a single word in case we accidently raised our voice a notch too loud.

Tommy gradually pushed the front door open, cautious as to not make it creak. He tilted his head slightly as his eyes scanned the room we had just passed through for any sign of my brother, signalling me to step outside and into the snowy weather. I snatched my satchel off the wooden hook and slipped it over my shoulder, ducking under Tommy's outstretched arm that held the door wide open. I took a few steps down the small staircase and looked up at the stars in amazement. I'd always found astronomy fascinating.

"We're out." Tommy sang cheerfully as he gleefully grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the cottage and towards the rows of trees, laughing into the freezing air as he did so. I couldn't help but look back at the lit up house we were leaving behind. Was it good that I felt bad for leaving my sibling behind? Only twelve hours after I had first seen him since I'd been declared missing? I gulped and forced myself to look away, a small smile gracing my face from the way Tommy's one shined in the moonlight.

His hand didn't leave mine until we disappeared into the tree line, falling against opposite tree trunks to take a much needed breather. We both glanced up at the same time and caught each other's eyes, ignoring the pain springing from both of our backs as the uneven bark scratched up against our skin.

"We actually did it." I muttered under my breath, attracting the attention of Tommy's conscience. A whimsical smile spread across his face, as did mine, both of us surprised we had gotten out of the house without being noticed.  

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now