𝐯𝐢𝐢. 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠

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"when did everything become such a hell of a mess?"
- all we all we are, p!nk

Quackity's POV

Waking up was my most dreaded moment of the day. Who would want to leave the comfort and warmth of their own bed to face the many problems of their previous days? I, myself, had many long-lasting problems, as I wasn't on good terms with half the population of the Dream SMP, even Dream himself. I lost my temper easily, which wasn't helpful when you were the deputy mayor of a city, especially one that had only just overcome a rough patch in its short life. 

No one ever thought to check up on me, they all expected me to be okay, every single day. Nihachu was the only person who understood me. If the people of the SMP didn't go to me for comfort, they would go to Niki. No one ever checked up on Niki either, although she had so many more reasons to break down on the spot than all of them. 

Once a week we would meet up in her bakery, to talk about the ups and downs we had experienced throughout the previous few days. We were almost like each other's therapists, talking and listening to each other's problems. It felt good to let it out every once and a while, and it would sometimes help too. It was even better to do it with someone who understood me. 

That day was another one of those days, those days where sadness loomed over me, surrounding myself in misery. I knew exactly why I was sad, it was quite obvious actually. My fellow siblings would have been sad that day too. Even Ghostbur, and he was dead.

That day marked one year since my siblings and I left our childhood home, the home that we grew up in, the home that kept us safe. That day, we left Khione alone with Mother and Father, which didn't cross our minds to be a bad decision at the time. We knew Mother wasn't the greatest, but with Father being there, we thought she would be fine.

Father - or as many called him Phil - was a fantastic man. A fantastic man, a fantastic parent, a fantastic friend, he was just all round fantastic. He was humble, observant, kind, caring, loyal and even strong. He taught us how to fight for ourselves at a young age, determined to keep us safe. He had to, he had no choice. 

Mother was always out, doing something she always kept a secret, so he had to stay home and protect us from any so-called dangers. I wished I could thank him for all of that just one more time, but I couldn't, it was too late.

A month or so after we left, Father had 'left' too. When Ranboo and I went to check on Khione, to see if she was doing okay without us, she wasn't there. The house had been abandoned with no sign of life nearby. We notified Techno and Wilbur and went searching for days, hours on end. We stayed out late into the night, losing weeks worth of sleep. It was all for nothing, because we couldn't find her. We never did.

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