𝐱𝐯. 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨

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"looking into his eyes, I think he's already hurt."

- happiness is a butterfly, lana del rey

This is it Khione. This decides it all.

Tommy and I were standing outside of the cottage door, my mind racing with anxiety and apprehension towards meeting the roommate of the young boy. I took a deep breath as the blond beside me reached towards the door and let out three loud knocks, taking a single step back as soon as they had rang through the air. I squeezed my eyes shut and tapped my fingers together, something I did whenever my anxiety was at it's highest.

I felt a hand slide perfectly into mine and interrupt my finger's tapping, causing me to look up at his sparkling eyes. He squeezed it ever so gently, never removing his blue irises from mine and watching as all my worries floated away. A small smile grew along both our faces with a reddish tint above them before we looked away, my cheeks setting ablaze almost instantly.

My thoughts were interrupted when a set of loud footsteps filled the atmosphere around us, notifying Tommy and I of his roommate's presence. I listened with intrigue to their harsh strides before breathing in a deep breath for a final time, preparing myself to look presentable in front of them.

"Now don't be scared, but he's a bit intimidating." Tommy informed me with a wince and sneaky smile. I noticed the same concerned eyes as before drifted to mine as he spoke, making sure my anxiousness didn't return due to the newfound information, and that I took it calmly and with ease. I did manage to do that, but it failed to improve my mood even by the tiniest bit.

Suddenly, without warning, the wooden door flew open, revealing the cottage's interior and it's design. A man was standing in the middle of the doorway, ruining my almost perfect line of sight, leading to my eyes dragging up to his. I took in his clothing, stance, height and looks before it finally clicked in my brain. 'The Blade' was what Tommy would call him, but I called him different.

My mouth fell agape as my eyes widened with surprise, not at all expecting to see him standing in the room in front of me. His eyes slowly flickered over to my still staring ones, his expression already mirroring mine. I couldn't move due to the shock and pure amazement I had just been put through, my breath hitching in my throat and my heart beginning to beat irregularly. In the wooden doorway stood someone I didn't think I would ever see again, especially not when the door flew open.

My brother.



I instinctively ran forward, wrapping my arms around him like I used to back at home. Joyous and grateful tears began to coat my cheeks in a layer of salty water, falling onto his cape in different drips and drops. I could hear his sobs, his small and quiet sobs, playing loudly in my ear. His pink braid drooped across his shoulder, his crown barely holding onto his head with the soft shakes and ticks it created. He never changed in the time I was gone, but yet he was a completely new man.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now