𝐯𝐢. 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲

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"further apart the closer that we are, i'll keep you far away from me like a star."
- fallen star, the neighbourhood.

"Do you work with Dream?" He questioned rapidly, nervousness flooding his uneven voice.

Huh? Who's Dream?

"Do you work with Oriethyia?" I spoke sternly, trying to make my seriousness known in the discussion. I dodged his question, unknowing who he was talking about, matching my tone with his. My anxiety peaked through my words, as did his, him taking note of it in the back of his head. His face contorted, seemingly in confusion, clearly dropping his first assumption about me. His grip on the sword loosened, causing me to slightly relax, my shoulders drooping from their perfectly postured position.

"What the fu- who is Oriethyia?" He threw another question at me, his voice more balanced than the previous time he opened his mouth. I held back a giggle at his sentence, keeping my emotionless glare secured onto his untroubled eyes. I did all that I could to stop myself from trusting the young boy so easily, not daring to crack even the smallest of smiles in his direction.

"My mother." I stated blandly, my lips not twisting up into a smile like they wanted to.

"That's your mother's name? That's," he paused to gather his words, humming aloud in thought, "interesting. I've never heard of it before. What's your name then? Is it something stupid as well?"

He let a laugh escape his lips, lightening up the mood from its once tense aura. His shoulders curved in, creating a posture even worse than his original one, bending over with laughter. I wanted ever so badly to laugh along with him but I couldn't. I had to stand strong. I couldn't let a stranger like him make me laugh so easily, it would show him how weak I was.

"No." I responded glumly, tilting my head down to hide the emotions pooling in my eyes. The laughter that had filled the atmosphere immediately stopped, him looking up at me with disappointment covering his features.

"That was a joke you know, I just wanted to lighten the mood a little bit." He told me with a frown, sarcasm lacing his loud voice.

"I know, I know." I breathed out, lifting my head back up to meet his eyes. I wanted him to tell another joke, to laugh again, to smile again, but instead I had made it all disappear. I ruined it, for no reason other than myself.

"Oh." He sighed, looking down at his snow-covered shoes.

Silence once again surrounded us, the whooshing of the wind bouncing off the tree branches towards us. I struggled to think of what to say, whether to apologise or to restart our meeting conversation. I couldn't form any words, none at all, the lack of talking looming over the both of us like a rain cloud. I knew I needed to say something, so I pushed past the imaginary barrier and opened my mouth.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now