𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢. 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐛𝐮𝐫

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"I was just beginning to see your ghost, but if you must know, I'll be here waiting."
- when the darkness comes, colbie caillat

What if he doesn't remember? What if he forgot about you, Khione?

My head was swarming with questions and doubts, bad responses and situations that could lead from that point onwards clouding my brain greedily. The air was thick as the tall boy I called my brother stared at me in the dark alleyway, trying to put a face to the person who kept fading in and out of being seen, but so far struggling to do so. I took a careful step forward to stand in the light, making it easier to see my face and it's features.

"Khione?" Ranboo muttered, trying to register everything that was happening in his confused brain. He couldn't put the pieces of the puzzle together, and it didn't help that he didn't have any of the pieces anyway. As soon as my name left his mouth my heart started beating what seemed twenty times faster than the normal rate, and my breath hitched in my already tight throat. He'd remembered. He'd actually remembered.

"You remember." I stated gratefully, letting my shoulders sag with relief. I didn't waste any time rushing forward and wrapping my arms around his lower torso, wanting to feel the comfort and tranquillity that his touch provided. His strong arms immediately enveloped me around my shoulders, his large palms moving up to hold the back of my head as he leant his on mine, his tears pouring down his cheeks and onto my soft hair.

"I," he began through his choking sobs, them ringing down the laneway for the hidden boy to hear, "I thought you were-"

"I was never gonna die," I reassured him easily, truth showing in my lack of faltering, "I promise you that I was never gonna die."

"But where? When? How?" He rapidly questioned, but a loud and sudden noise from behind me took us off topic.

I whipped around as fast as lightning to see an empty paint can rolling towards both Ranboo and I, rolling away from the darkness where I knew somebody was present. I looked up to where I knew he was standing and sighed, motioning with my hand for him to step out.

Reluctantly, he walked forward and into the light, making himself known. With his dirty sneakers, torn and scratched red and white shirt, stained and muddy brown pants and blond, fluffy hair, Ranboo would know who it was in a heartbeat. My thoughts were proved to be correct when a gasp instantly flew out of my sibling's mouth, him moving a hand up to cover his open lips.

"Hey Ranboo." Tommy almost whispered, dragging out the 'hey' in a singsong voice. He kept walking forward, slowly but surely, until he was right by my side, moving his feet from his heels to his toes with his head tilted down. I offered him a soft smile, one I knew that he couldn't see, but gave him it anyway. I looked over at a distressed Ranboo, taking in his scared and nervous features.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now