𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐈𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬

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"you say I'm like the ice, I freeze."
- brooklyn baby, lana del rey

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief, not believing a word he had said in the previous few minutes. Was he for real? I found a map to the most powerful city in the area and suddenly we were running away from home? How easy did he think it was going to be?

"You heard me. I'm sick of this place, and I know you are too." He argued. His tight grip on my wrists didn't falter, his eyes never leaving mine. It was very intimidating, his harsh glare into my worried irises, and he did have a good point. I'd wanted to leave ever since I'd arrived, but I wasn't prepared at all, and I was sure he wasn't either.

"We have nothing, how do you expect to survive?" I questioned his idea, thrusting him into my side of the story.

"My partner has stuff, it's not like it's going to be permanent." He shrugged, letting go of my wrists as my hands moved away from his shoulders. 

"Are you kidding me? Once I leave I can never see my mother again. Do you know what I'll have to go through?" I disputed, letting the anger rise within me. Did he not realise how much danger we would be in? My voice grew stronger with each word I yelled, rage presenting itself through the tone of my words. I completely forgot about the control of my abilities, losing focus on holding up the barrier that pushed them back, letting the coldness swirl through my veins.

"What you'll have to go through? I'm fucking exiled from both of the cities and you'll be the one in danger?" He screamed, pacing away from me and running a shaking hand through his already matted hair.

"Yes Tommy I-" I began to retaliate but got cut off by his loud voice.

"Everybody hates me in that city. Even my best fucking friend who completely switched sides on me. Left me in the dirt." He ranted through his anger, taking harsh steps through the snowy ground beneath us. I let him take out all of his once held back anger on me, it soaking into my skin and puncturing my heart.

"All I've felt these last few months is pain. Unbearable, uncontrollable pain! I want it to be over, I want to be happy again!"  

"Listen, I under-" I began to reassure him but got cut off once again, this time draining out all of my patience.

"Don't even start, you wouldn't understand a thing. You don't know what it feels like to lose everyone you've ever loved." He shouted as his voice filled the atmosphere, his words cracking through his booming tone.

It had gone, my patience had gone.

"Stop!" I screamed, removing my hands from their tangled position in my raven hair. They flung out to the side, me feeling the ice finally escaping my body. Ice shards flew up from the ground beside me, pointing up towards the sky. They stood eight feet tall, towering over both Tommy and I. Snow fell off the closest trees as the branches started to shake from the sudden impact. I couldn't move as I comprehended what I had just done, the comforting frigid feeling no longer swarming my body's interior but crackling through the ice poking up from the snow.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now