𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐓𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞

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"but little do we know, the stars will welcome him with open arms."
- this is home, cavetown

Quackity's POV

I hated it. I hated all of it. I hated all of him.

There wasn't any particular reason as to why I hated my ghostly sibling so much, other than the fact that he was so overly annoying. I couldn't deal with it. He was always talking about something no one other than himself would care about. Of course I wouldn't say that to his face though, I couldn't bear to hear him cry. It would be all too loud.

"I really hope he'll be okay. I mean, he should be, but he needs a lot of attention," Ghostbur ranted beside me, looking down at the ivory white sheet of snow that blanketed the ground. "He's a special sheep after all. Have you ever met him?"

My eyebrow raised sharply as I turned my head towards his. "Who are you talking about?" I asked with a scowl, stuffing my hands into my black pant pockets. He giggled and lifted his head up, his eyes meeting mine for a split second before I let my head hang down in irritation.

"We, Quackity, we are talking about my beloved sheep Friend." He brought his finger up to my cheek and poked it before I swatted it away and sent him a dirty glare. He merely smiled in response, turning away and skipping ahead of me.

"Be careful, don't want you to fall over!" I shouted through my hands. "Or do I?" I snickered at the last comment I had muttered under my breath. I used the short-lasting peacefulness to take in the mesmerising surroundings. 

Ghostbur and I were in a small clearing, completely surrounded by tall pine trees with sharp icicles frozen beneath each of its leaves. The snow was glimmering in the small amount of sunlight that was peaking through the dark-grey clouds. To the left of me, deer were galloping across the glade and disappearing into the trees and the darkness that loomed below them, pushing and nudging each other to fit through the tight gaps between the tree trunks. 

I let out a sigh, taking my hands out of my pockets and adjusting my beanie. I glanced down at my outfit, specifically my suspenders, and pulled on them lightly to make sure they were tight enough. 

"Quackity! Hurry up, you're too slow." Ghostbur yelled jokingly, hopping on each of his feet whilst waiting for me to reach the end of the clearing. I turned around, looking at the long path of footprints that trailed behind me. Ghostbur's weren't there, understandably so, because of his special hovering ability. At least he called it special, I begged to differ.

"Why are you always so giddy and energetic?" I questioned harshly, causing a frown to appear on his lips. He watched me walk past him and into the trees with a confused and worrisome look on his face.

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