𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯. 𝐌𝐲 𝐣𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫

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"once upon a different life, we rode our bikes into the sky."
- hold back the river, james bay

"How much longer do I have to walk?" Tommy groaned, dragging his feet along the wooden path like he'd been doing for the past thirty minutes. I giggled lightly from beside him at his complaining, shaking my head jokingly before looking up at the square building that was blocking the path in the distance.

"If you don't stop complaining I'll tell everyone that you're here." Ranboo stated seriously, shutting up Tommy's complaints instantly. Within seconds we were all laughing and stumbling over our own feet. Amongst the laughter, Tommy could be heard stuttering his objections and defences, seemingly annoyed at how we reacted.

"You see Tommy," Ghostbur started with a gentle smile, "sometimes you just have to be patient for the good things to happen."

"What good things are happening after this long walk, hm?" Tommy asked, raising his eyebrows while waiting for his response.

"Quackity." I reminded him, turning towards the boy next to me. Tommy's mouth curved into a wide grin, as I nudged his arm with my elbow, his doing the same back to me but harder. It went on for a while, Tommy and I nudging each other back and forth, until Ranboo heard a voice in the distance.

"Oh no," he worried with a shake of his head, his eyes instantly finding ours, "into the trees, go."

I followed where his finger was pointed and ran into the plants, hiding behind the many tree trunks and bushes that dotted the area. Tommy was right behind me, whereas Ghostbur had simply floated calmly into the space, not hurrying whatsoever. Ranboo appeared moments later.

"Who was it?" I questioned both curiously and anxiously, my fingers beginning to fiddle with the grass blades shooting up from the ground.

"I don't know," he sighed disappointingly, hanging his head low with shame, "but I'm gonna go back out there and have a look around. Do not leave this area, all right?"

"Yes sir." I saluted, bringing my hand up to my forehead as Tommy did the same. My brother rolled his eyes before brushing through the leaves and twigs to get back on the path, leaving Ghostbur and us two teenagers by ourselves.


The sun had almost lowered to the horizon and the air had grown thin and cold. Ghostbur was asleep on the grass, hidden away from the view of the path. I was sitting against a tree, facing towards a concerned Tommy who was pacing back and forth. I could hear him mumbling under his breath about why Ranboo was taking so long, clearly being worried about the situation at hand.

"Tommy." I softly whispered, distracting him from his anxious thoughts. I patted the ground next to me, signalling for him to come and sit, to stop his quick pacing before I began to do it too. Although he hesitated, he eventually jogged over, fiddling with his hands and fingers during the process.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now