𝐱𝐢𝐱. 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

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"I'm a dumb teen boy, I eat sticks and rocks and mud."
- boys will be bugs, cavetown

Tommy's POV

"Go join her Tommy, you need rest as well." Technoblade demanded, still angered from our previous arguments. I wasn't tired at all though. I had too much crowding my mind, my thoughts swarming around in my head like a hurricane. It was giving me a headache and it needed to stop.

"I'm not tired. Why don't you go to sleep, hm?" I retaliated unnecessarily. I knew I could be a smart-ass, I was basically all the time, but it was fun. Yes, it did get on people's nerves, therefore placing me on their bad side, but did I look like I cared? No.

"Tommy just go to bed." Techno sighed as he ran a hand down his face, wiping away his growing frustration. I didn't move from my spot on the couch, instead pushing myself back to lean against the armrest more comfortably. Techno pulled out a wooden chair from the dining table and fell into its comfort with exhaustion. Putting his head in his hands, he sighed, a sigh hoarse enough to make the table break on it's own. I watched him sit there, breathing heavily, clearly forgetting that I was still in the room.

"Techno." I whispered quietly with confusion. Even my soft voice made him jump. He looked towards me, glaring at me from above his fingers. It was intimidating, I had to admit, but not enough to steal the words from my mouth. "How come you never told me about Khione?"

"I did." He answered simply with a small roll of his shoulders.

"What? No you didn't." I exasperatingly stated. My voice was picking up now, anger trying to break through the forced barricade I had only just constructed. He pushed his chair back with a screech, most likely marking the floors, and started to approach me, sitting on the armchair beside my body.

"Don't yell, let Khione sleep." He whispered harshly, clearly not wanting to have the conversation I was bringing on.

"Not unless you tell me your stupid reasoning." I whisper-yelled, shuffling in my spot to face Techno with my whole body.

"Alright well," He annoyingly muttered, looking down at his clenched fists. I took a breath in, preparing myself to be hit with a dark secret of his or something I was never supposed to find out. I began squirming in my seat, eager to hear his choice of statement. "I didn't want you to use it against me."

"Huh?" I questioned with a contorted face, not understanding his train of thought.

"I didn't want you to use it against me, Tommy. Remember what Wilbur used to say, 'words can be strong'. If you were to find out why my sister was missing or who took her, you could deflect the attention to me at any given time." Techno argued, not wincing like I did when he said his brother's name.

I listened intently, taking in each vowel and syllable he spoke. He did have a strong argument. I knew he had a missing sister, I just didn't know the important information or the main details. I didn't know who she was, what she looked like, where she had gone, how she had disappeared or when she even did. Techno didn't realise but I knew it all now, from start to finish. The girl herself told me, and I wasn't about to tell her story for her. That was her job.

"You know you kind of just left her," I began with rage, not bothering to lower my voice, "Khione alone with her mother, your mother, the mother you knew was neglective."

I turned towards him, face red from all of the anger that was flooding through my veins. He flicked his pink-haired braid backwards, little strands framing his palish face. His eyebrows quirked up, intrigued in the sudden argument, lips shifting up into a smug smile.

"Go on," He edged me on, smirking at my furious figure. My blood began physically boiling within my body, the complacency present in Techno's face irritating me further. He knew the expression he made would tip me over the edge, he knew because it had happened plenty of times before.

"Techno, you stupid son of a bitch. You left her for dead. You knew trouble would come. Why did you do it, huh? She was alone for nine months and you did nothing about it. You didn't even try." I screamed loudly, sticking up for the young female in the basement beneath us.

"This is exactly why you got exiled, Tommy. You can't hold in your anger, you just speak straight from your mind." Techno stated blandly, disappointment lacing his voice. I huffed tiredly, already knowing he was right, and fell back into the chair from my standing position.

"She didn't deserve it." I expressed with my head tilted down towards my fiddling fingers in my lap. I leant forward and rested my elbows on my knees, allowing my head to fall into the comfort and support of my raised palms.

"I know, Tommy, but there was nothing we could do." He shrugged it off before climbing up the ladder towards his bedroom, slamming the trap door shut behind him. I sighed deeply before glancing up at the dancing fireplace. 

Once I was alone, my thoughts instantly turned to her. All of my other worries ran away, disappearing into the back of my mind, whilst her figure danced around the empty space in my head. Her long cape swished around behind her in the gentle breeze, her raven hair flying around over her shoulders. Her pale skin gleamed in the soft sunlight shining through the trees, her slightly blushed cheeks being taken over by my favourite smile. The one I adored so dearly.

I closed my eyes and hummed in satisfaction before drowsily walking towards the wooden ladder leaning against the far wall, carefully descending towards my bedroom. I knew she would be in there, peacefully sleeping away, so I was cautious as to not disturb her.

When I quietly pushed open the door, her sprawled out figure was the first thing my eyes locked onto. She looked so perfect and content on the makeshift bed, like she hadn't slept better in months. She probably hadn't.

I softly shut the door behind me and crept over to my bed on my tiptoes, eager to be under the comfort of my warm, red quilt and sheet. I immediately began to doze off as soon as my head hit the pillow, her presence filling my mind once again that night. I knew what it meant. I knew what it meant when someone wouldn't leave your head. When they were the only thing you could think about.

I liked her. I liked Khione. I liked Khione and I was okay with it.

 I liked Khione and I was okay with it

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