𝐱𝐱𝐯. 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞

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"I was dancing in the rain. I felt alive and I can't complain."
- runaway, aurora

All of their faces contorted into a look of both confusion and annoyance. They all shared glances at one another as if I wasn't standing impatiently in front of them, waiting for an answer to my simple question.

Why are they acting so weirdly, Khione? You only asked where Phil is.

"Guys," I mumbled worriedly, "what's going on?"

One by one, they slowly turned their heads to look at me, all of their eyes glinting with sadness and pity. I glanced at each of them individually, still clueless to why they were making such a big deal out of it, before I was struck with realisation. It was in the air, the way they were acting. Something bad had happened.

An uncomfortable silence filled the one-sided conversation, leaving me even more impatient and wanting answers. I didn't want to repeat a certain mishap that had happened with Tommy a few days earlier, so I focused everything on keeping my abnormal abilities at bay. I wouldn't let my anger get the best of me. I wouldn't let it take control.

"Are you guys going to answer my question?" I queried with irritation, raising my voice to pull them out of their racing thoughts. Surprisingly, I didn't manage to wake Ghostbur up, who was still, somehow, fast asleep on the ground. A panting man running towards us tore me away from the current interrogation, distracting us with his surprising entrance.

As soon as I laid my eyes on the boy I sighed with relief, the worries of losing another sibling thankfully being let off my shoulders. He dramatically fell onto the ground, the grass softening and moulding around him. His crown fell off his head as his fluffy hair lost the grip on it that it once had, the gold object shimmering in the sunlight as it fell to the ground. He slowly shut his eyelids tiredly, clearly exhausted from the events of the day that only he knew about.

"Ranboo, where did you go?" Tommy quizzed concerningly, kneeling down next to him on the grass. Ranboo froze, slowly lifting one eyelid to annoyingly stare at the boy next to him before bringing his hands up to his forehead to disgustingly wipe the sweat off it.

"Long story short, I ran into Tubbo. He wanted to show me something in L'Manburg, so I had to walk all the way over there and back." Ranboo answered, gesturing towards the town we originally came from. Conversations flowed easily between everyone from then on, such as Ranboo greeting Sapnap cheerfully and Quackity educating me on who Tubbo was and what his relationships with the people around us were like. When he mentioned Tommy, I realised he had stayed rather quiet since Ranboo's appearance so I looked over to where he once was, only to find that he was gone.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath as I began to sprint towards the opening of the trees. I went against Quackity's protests and kept running, feeling obligated to find the boy even if my life depended on it. If what my brother said about Tubbo and Tommy's relationship was true - that they were once best friends until the government drew them apart - I could fully understand why he would run off.

𝐈 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔; tommyinnitWhere stories live. Discover now