𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. 𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲

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"I tend to freak myself out. will you come a little closer?"
- scrawny, wallows

I woke up with a groan, stretching my arms out to the sides of my curled up body to relieve the pain from the awkward position I had drifted to sleep in. I let my head loll to the side and fall onto the soft pillow resting beneath my face gently. My eyes slowly fluttered open and adjusted to the artificial light emitting from the standing lamp in the corner of the room, casting dark shadows across the top of the walls and roof. It was when my eyes drifted to the bed across from me that I found the energy to sit up.

Panic spread across my body like an infection, transforming me into a worried mess. The bed sheets were pulled back messily and the bed itself was empty, empty of the boy that had inhabited it the previous night. The pillow was still molded into the shape of his side profile, leaning on an angle against the wooden headboard. The room was eerily quiet, just like the rest of the building, indicating the lack of human presence in the cold household.

"Tommy?" I called into the air, waiting for a response I knew I would never get. I threw the duvet off my bare legs and pushed myself onto the ground, falling onto my hands in the process. I scrambled back up and rushed out of the room whilst I yanked my cape off the coat-hanger on the back of the door and shrugged it on with ease. As I ran down the hallway, I began to call each of my siblings' names and push open their doors, met with silence and empty beds every time. 

A sigh that escaped my mouth rang through the air once I made it to the kitchen, proving my worries of an empty base. They had left me here, all of them, by myself with no explanation as to why. Why would they do such a thing? Why wouldn't they tell me?

I gravitated towards the front door and started to pace in front of it as my mind ran wild with theories about where the boys could be. They could be upset, trapped, hurt or worse, which led to my impulsive decision to find them.

I frantically sprinted out of the protected and hidden base and began running down the path in whatever direction it took me, acting on instinct as to where to go. As I made my way down the wooden road, I desperately scanned every bush, tree and building for any sign of life, particularly that of a male. I didn't see anyone for ages, until a frizzy-haired friend standing by some flowers caught my attention.

"Puffy!" I shouted to the woman wearing a maroon pirate coat and gothic tricorn hat, directing her concentration away from the wilting plants in front of her. She glanced over to me with a wave, not yet catching on to my worried and frantic actions.

She smiled at my rushing figure as I approached her, tilting her head to the side with concern. "What's got you all bothered Khione?" She asked politely with a dust of her hands. I leaned to the side of her and tried to peer around her shoulders to look for Tommy and my brothers, confusing Puffy even more. "Khione?"

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