☽︎Wolf's Bane☾︎

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Kate Argent chases Derek's car down the roads thinking she's chasing Derek, but when she gets word that he's on foot at the iron works she wonders who's actually driving his car. The answer: Y/n is the one behind the wheel, Stiles beside her and Scott in the back. Stiles glances out the back window while she focuses in front of them. "Faster?" She asks.

"Much faster." He answers. She grits her teeth and shifts gears, accelerating even more. After a bit Stiles looks back again to see the car still on their tail. "Y/n, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here."

"Sure I do. We're in a car, we're being chased."

"If she goes faster, she'll kill us." Scott says.

"Well, if she doesn't go faster, they're gonna kill us."

"I need to keep her on our tail. Any faster and we could actually lose her." Y/n speeds up just a bit to make him feel better.

Tires screech and Stiles looks back yet again. "They're gone." Y/n looks in the rearview while Scott turns around. Stiles presses a button on the handheld radio and it beeps before coming to life.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the iron works." The Sheriff's voice informs.

Y/n huffs as she speeds up yet again to pick up Derek. She skids to a stop as they near him and Stiles opens the door. "Get in." He urges as he climbs in the back with Scott and Derek hops in the front, bullets from Mr. Argent following. The tires squeal as Y/n peels out of there.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott chastises.

"Damn it, I had him!" Derek complains.

"Who, the Alpha?" Stiles wonders.

"Yes! He was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up."

"Whoa, hey, they're just doing their jobs." Derek glares at Stiles. "Uh, yeah..."

"Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state." He looks pointedely at Scott.

"Can we seriously get past that? I made a dumbass mistake. I get it."

"All right!" Y/n yells to get them to stop.

"How did you find him?" Stiles asks. Derek looks at them and refuses to answer.

"Can you try to trust us for at least a millisecond?" Y/n gives Derek a meaningful glance that the boys in the back miss.

"Yeah, all of us." Stiles leans forward but backs up again at Derek's look. "Or just them. I'll be back here." He settles back and Y/n manages a twitch of a smile at him.

"And stop with the glares, please. I swear you're face is gonna stick like that forever if it already hasn't."

Derek ignores her comment. "Look, the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."

"Our Chemistry teacher?" Stiles pipes up again.

"Of course." Y/n grumbles.

"Why him?" Scott asks.

"I don't know yet." Derek answers.

"What's the second?"

"Some kind of symbol." He pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolds it to show a drawn picture. Y/n sighs when she sees it and Scott doesn't react any better. "What? You know what this is?"

"Seen it on a necklace." She grumbles.

"Allison's necklace." Scott adds.


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