☽︎Memory Lost☾︎

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(Did you miss me? 😏 You certainly can't miss this new intro gif 💜💙🖤)

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(Did you miss me? 😏 You certainly can't miss this new intro gif 💜💙🖤)


Sirens blare in the background, red and blue lighting up the area as Noah examines the hood of a van which sported five claw marks, perfectly spaced to a human hand. He gives the hood a little pat as he sighs in slight exasperation, making his way over to where an EMT was putting a brace on his son's hand with his best friends right next to him. "What in the hell were you three thinking?" He asked, making the three teens turn to face him.

Y/n shook her head as she took a small step away from Scott and Stiles. "I didn't have time to think, these two dragged me along."

"We were just trying to help." Scott answered, an awkward chuckle ending his sentence.

"Why don't you try and help me understand what the hell happened here?" Noah's voice dropped to a frustrated whisper.

"Right, well, we were trying to gently persuade him to pull over." Stiles explained. Y/n gave him a look at his wording, images of Scott fully wolfed out and roaring on the hood of the van very clear in her mind.

"He was getting away." It almost sounded like a question as Scott cringed at his own weak reasoning.

"He got away." Noah said, very unimpressed.

"Right. Because obviously he's some sort of criminal mastermind, Dad."

"Uh-huh. You want to guess what the stolen merchandise is?" The Sheriff asked as he moved around the trio to the back of the van, opening the back door to reveal several large tanks. "Hmm?"

"Critical life-saving equipment?"


"Poison gas?"


"Filled with drugs?"



After the big reveal Noah sent the three away, telling them to go back home as there was nothing there for them to do. Y/n drove the Jeep while Stiles sulked in the passenger seat. "This could be a good thing." Scott mused from his spot in the back.

"That we saved helium?"

Scott chuckled. "I mean, that... They don't need us anymore."

Stiles scoffed. "Okay, well, they need us. They just don't know it."

"We're all going off to college soon. So Beacon Hills is gonna have to survive without us."

"Hun, I think Scott's right." Y/n chimed in, making Stiles glance at her. "We're moving on with our lives, we can't always be here for every little thing. Sure, when something big happens, we do our part, but the everyday can be left in their hands."

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now