☽︎The Divine Move☾︎

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(Double update because happy early Thanksgiving! And I didn't want to leave it on that sad note :') )

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(Double update because happy early Thanksgiving! And I didn't want to leave it on that sad note :') )


Chris helped coach Scott, Isaac and Lydia on what to tell the officers when they called them. Noshiko and Kira brought Y/n and Stiles back to their home. Everyone was still shell-shocked from the nights events. Y/n kept her hands clenched, trying not to look at the darkening stains on them. "Is there somewhere I can..." Y/n started but trailed off, her voice failing her. Noshiko glanced down at the girl's hands, seeing them slightly tremble, and she understood what she was asking for and nodded.

"Of course. Follow me." Noshiko led her to a bathroom, leaving her after Y/n gave a quiet thank you.

Y/n stared down into the prestine sink for a minute before she finally turned on the water. She inhaled sharply at the cold liquid when she stuck her hands under the stream, yet didn't bother warming it as she slowly started to rub her hands together. She had to look at her hands to make sure they were getting clean, but she didn't want to see the blood. Allison's blood. As the memories replayed in her mind her vision clouded with tears once again.

If she had been a little stronger. If she had been a little faster. If she had stayed back to fight the oni. If she had listened to Lydia's message.

Maybe Allison would still be alive.

She braces her hands on the counter and squeezes her eyes shut, trying to stop the rush of thoughts. She's been down this road before. When her mom died she blamed herself for not being able to do anything to help her, for being the reason she stayed behind while Y/n ran. Of course she knows now there was nothing she could have done. She was a child, barely learning to develop her gifts. And her rational mind tells her there was nothing she could have done to help Allison. The oni are a force of nature. Sometimes you survive, sometimes you don't. She just wishes she could have helped Allison survive this storm.

She takes a deep breath to calm herself before she dries her hands and face. When she made her way to the living room she sat beside Stiles on the couch with Kira on his other side. Noshiko walked in holding a tray topped with a tea pot and some cups. She sets it down on the coffee table and takes a seat on the chair near Y/n. Noshiko pours some of the liquid into two cups and hold them out for the couple. "Here, it'll help calm you."

"What is it?" Stiles wonders as he grabs a cup.


"What? Like magic tea?"

"It's chamomile." Y/n says, having taken her own cup and smelled the brew.

Noshiko nods in affirmation with a smile. "Drink it."

"Thank you." Y/n manages a small smile and Noshiko nods again.

Ken stands in front of the four and looks at his wife. "He's not safe here."

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