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Y/n sits next to Stiles in class. He's been mad at Scott since parent/teacher conference day because, while people were running around in the school parking lot in a panic to get away from an actual mountain lion (which was gunned down by Allison's dad, Chris Argent), Noah had gotten hit by a car. He wasn't seriously injured but he was hurt nonetheless. Now, as Scott makes his way into class and behind Stiles, he ignores their werewolf friend.

"Still not talking to me?" Scott asks. He sighs when Stiles doesn't answer. "Can you at least tell me if your dad's okay? I mean, it's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage. Nothing... That big."

"Not helping." Y/n spoke under her breath knowing Scott would hear her.

He hangs his head for a moment before trying again. "You know I feel really bad about it, right?" Still no answer from Stiles. "Okay." He sighs again. "What if I told you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and... That I went to Derek for help?"

Stiles rolls his eyes in disbelief before looking at Y/n who was looking at her notebook. "Y/n, can you please-"

"No." She cut off, not even glancing away from her paper. "You're not gonna drag me into this. It's between you two."

Stiles sighs and faces forward again. "If I was talking to you, I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you." The bell rings for the start of class and Scott pulls his books from his bag.

Y/n can feel Stiles' growing intrest and his feeble attempts to stop his curiosity in favor of continuing to ignore Scott, but she knows it won't work. She smirks and whispers to herself. "3...2...1..."

Stiles whips around to face Scott. "What did he say?"

"Bingo." Y/n smiles amused.

"Wh- he wants you to tap into your animal side and get angry?" Stiles confirms as he, Scott and Y/n leave the classroom, Scott having told them what happened with the Hale.

"Yeah." Scott nods.

"All right, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but every time you do that, you try to kill someone, and that someone's usually us." He gestures between himself and Y/n.

"I know. That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it."

"It seems more like you need anger manegment than tapping into it." Y/n mused.

"How's he gonna teach you?" Stiles continued his quesioning.

"I don't know. I don't think he does either."

"Okay. When are you seeing him again?"

"He told me not to talk about it. Just act normal and get through the day."

Stiles stops walking making Scott and Y/n stop too. "When?"

"He's picking me up at the Animal Clinic after work."

"After work. All right, well, that gives us to the end of the school day then."

"To do what?"

"To teach you ourselves." Stiles grabs Y/n's wrist as they continue to walk and she gives him a confused look.

"How are we gonna teach him?" She asked.

"I'm still thinking of that."


Y/n listens in to Allison and Lydia as she sits in the cafeteria with Stiles and Scott, the latter hiding behind a World History book. Allison is reading from an older book to Lydia about the Beast of Gevaudan. Y/n's heard of La Béte before. Her mother would tell her stories when she was younger, one of them being about the Maid of Gevaudan. A woman who killed the Beast with a deadly spear head, a witch's charm, and the help of a man of Silver. Most people would think that the Beast's death was a triumphant story, but the story her mother told was one laced with sadness.

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