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It's the middle of the night as Y/n lays asleep in her bed. It's quiet until her phone starts to ring. She furrows her brows as she wakes up, confused on who was calling her so late. The confusion grew when she saw it was Stiles and answered. "Hello?" Her voice was tinged with sleep. "Stiles." The grogginess she felt quickly faded when she heard his shaky breaths. "Stiles? Are you okay?"

"Y/n?" His voice was a shaky whisper.

She sits up in her bed on alert now. "I'm here. I'm here. What's going on?"

"Y/n, I don't- I don't know where I am. I don't know how I got here. I think I was sleepwalking."

"Okay, okay. Can you see anything around you?"

"Ah, it's dark. It's hard to see. I think there's something wrong with my-" The line disconnected then.

She looked at her phone and quickly pulled up his contact again, the photo of them sharing a kiss that Lydia had taken making her chest tighten in worry. She anxiously paced her room as she called him, only to get his voicemail. "Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a mes-" She dialed again recieving the same result. "Hey, this is S-"

"Come on, Stiles." She muttered as she looked down at her phone. "Come on. Call me back." And he did. "Stiles."

"Y/n, I don't think I can get out of here. I can't move."

"Do you know where you are?"

"I don't know." He whimpered. "I don't know. It's too dark. I can't see much and something's wrong with my leg. It's stuck on something. And it's- I think it's bleeding."

"How bad is it, Stiles?" He doesn't answer right away. "Stiles? Are you there? Can you hear me?"

"Ah, there's some kind of smell down here. Something smells terrible. It's brutal. My eyes are watering."

"Stiles, listen, I'm gonna call your dad."

"No. No, no, no, no, don't."

"But he can-"

"Don't. Just please don't call him. Promise me you won't."

"I can't make a promise like that."

"He already worries about me too much. Y/n, please."

"Stiles, this is insane. What if I can't find you? I can't promise that."

"No, no, no, just please. Please don't call him. Come find me. You can do it. He doesn't have to know. Y/n, you can find me."

"I don't know if I can do this alone."

"Oh, I gotta call you back. I have to turn the phone off."

"What? No, wait-"

"I'm gonna call you right back."

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now