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Huddled around a laptop in the library Y/n, Scott, and Lydia look at the search results of a 'Stile'. "'Stile, an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence'." Scott read aloud.

"Yeah, somehow I don't think these are the stiles we're looking for." Lydia said. Y/n sighed and rubbed her eyes.

"Maybe Malia's found something."

"She had a make-up test this morning, so no." Y/n informed. Scott fiddled around with the computer, trying to pull up any new or different information than what they had, when a coyote's howl echoed through the school making the three look in the direction it came from. "Oh, no."

"I guess the test isn't going well." Lydia and Y/n grabbed their bags before following Scott down the halls and towards the storage room Malia used to stay in, meeting Noah and Natalie along the way.

Scott took the lead into the room, rounding one of the shelves and spotting the blue-eyed coyote huddled in a corner and lightly growling. "Malia. It's okay. You're safe." She snarled in response. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Another snarl with bared teeth. The other four slowly came in behind Scott, careful not to move too fast for the spooked girl. "I think she's calming down."

Malia growled and Y/n gave Scott a look. "Yeah, I don't think so."

"Maybe you should growl back?" Noah suggested. "Scott, you're the Alpha. Can't you just make her a little more docile?"

"The problem is we are invading her space." Y/n said. "I mean, I might be able to help calm her down, but not with so many people in what she considers her territory."

"Maybe we need to get out of here." Lydia offered.

"Yeah, come on, come on." Scott urged the others to back up to be behind the shelving again.

"Y/n brought Malia here to get through the full moons. Then we started using the lake house." Lydia explained to the adults.

"I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house." Natalie said.

"Just be happy about all the things I don't tell you."

Y/n took a step closer to Malia and crouched to be level with her while she held her hand palm up in a placating gesture. "Hey, Mal." She spoke in a calm tone. "It's alright. I'm not gonna let anything hurt you, you're okay." Malia stopped growling and slowly inched her way to nuzzle her big sister's hand, making the witch smile.

After a few moments Malia was calm enough that she was able to shift back to human, now standing stark naked. Noah averted his gaze. "It's alright. I'm okay." She assured. Natalie came forward with the teen's clothes and Y/n moved to stand with Lydia and Scott after Malia nodded that she really was alright.

"Any idea what made her shift?" Noah asked.

"She's under a lot of pressure. School." Scott started.

"What she's gonna do after graduation." Y/n added.

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