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(What fascinating timing this is

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(What fascinating timing this is. There was a supermoon last night 👀)


The ride in the Jeep was silent, Y/n and Stiles still wet despite the rain having stopped some time ago. Stiles was stewing in his thoughts while Y/n did her best to think of something, anything that would ease the pain of Scott's rejection. Yet nothing came to mind. What could you even say for a situation like this? She could see him glance in the rearview every now and again, glancing at the wrench he had tossed in the backseat, each look fueling his emotions. There was a sudden knocking sound followed by smoke from the engine. Stiles groaned out a 'no' as the Jeep started to give out and he was forced to pull over, both of them coughing from the smoke that had started to filter inside. The Jeep died and they both hopped out, coughing and trying to catch their breath from the sudden onslaught.

Stiles slammed his door shut, making Y/n startle a little as he stormed to the back to grab his wrench kit. He threw the box to the ground before he clambered to get the hood open, grabbing the tools yet again and opening them on the hood. He paused when his eyes landed on the empty space from the tool still in the backseat. This proved to be his breaking point for he grabbed the tool box and threw it down the road with a grunt, the wrenches falling and clattering onto the pavement. He went over and slammed the hood shut before he went into the back and took the bloodied wrench into his fist. He went to throw it with the others, but paused, looking down at it.

"Stiles?" Y/n gently called as she moved to stand closer to him in front of the car, but he didn't look at her. That didn't deter her from trying to help though. "I don't think Scott really knew what happened. I mean, his reaction, it just doesn't make sense." She lightly shook her head, replaying the event in her head. "It'll take some time, but we can fix whatever kind of misunderstanding happened and everything will be fine. Everything will be okay." She tried to reassure him, tried to make him feel better some how, but he was too lost in his own mind for it to work.

"How- how can you say that?" He asked, finally looking up at her with furrowed brows, expression a mix between bewliderment and slight anger. "How is any of this going to be okay? I know you're new to being human, but you can't just fix everything, Y/n!" He suddenly yelled. "You can't help everyone! You can't help Hayden, you can't help Scott, and you can't help me!" Y/n's breath hitched, taking a step back as if his words had physically hit her with thier harshness. "Everything is falling apart, just like this damn Jeep!" All of a sudden he threw the wrench as hard as he could into the windshield of the Jeep, the glass cracking into the shape of the tool as it clattered onto the hood.

Y/n flinched away from the few bits of glass that had gone flying from the impact. Stiles watched her as she looked back at the damage he caused, before finally turning her gaze to him. Her eyes were unusally vulnerable as she clenched her jaw and tried to swallow the sudden lump in her throat. "I'm sorry. I was just... Trying to help." She managed to say, but it was barely above a whisper. She avoided his gaze as she started to walk away, deciding it was probably better for her to leave him alone for a while, let him cool off. She knows he was just acting in the heat of the moment, all of those emotions finally boiling over can make even the nicest person bitter. That didn't stop it from hurting though, especially coming from him.

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