☽︎Lie Ability☾︎

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Jordan in all his flaming hellhound glory stalked towards Theo and his chimeras, but Theo wasn't too worried because he still had an ace up his sleeve. He slipped into Lydia's room and returned a moment later with the banshee herself, claws to her throat. "Back off." He warned as Tracy let Valack go from his place on the wall to face the new threat with Theo. When the hellhound didn't listen right away Theo pressed his claws into Lydia's neck, just enough to create five bloody cuts. "I said back off." Jordan finally stopped, and Stiles had to hold onto Y/n's arm to keep her from lunging at them herself. "Take him."

"The guy's on fire." Corey protested.

"You'll heal. Do it." Josh and Corey still hesitated, so Tracy took it upon herself to attack first while Valack crawled into Lydia's room. Confident in her abilities Tracy plunged her claws right into Jordan's abdomen, but when nothing happen she became fearful.

Jordan backhanded her and she landed hard against another wall. Josh rushed forward and pulled apart a protecive bar that was concealing the building's wiring. Gripping the loose wires in one hand he turned and put the other on Jordan, expecting the electric current to do something, but it didn't. "Theo, this isn't working!" Josh yelled right before Jordan slammed him into a wall.

Valack suddenly appeared, using the trepenation drill on Theo's leg, making the chimera let Lydia go as she dropped to her knees. Valack then hit Theo in the face with the back of the drill. "Sorry, Theo, but I'm not done with her yet." He picked Lydia up by her arms as Jordan slammed Josh onto the ground again. When Jordan went to slash with his claws his arm was caught by Corey who now revealed himself, yet the hellhound was unfazed. Valack turned to escape with Lydia only to find a very angry witch and her equally upset boyfriend. Corey screamed as Jordan lit himself and Corey on fire before he threw the chimera down the hall.

Valack turned with Lydia to dodge the flying body, and Stiles had just a moment to push Y/n out of the way, taking the full brunt himself. "Stiles!" She yelled out in shock. Theo managed to get back up to his feet, grabbing the metal pole and throwing it straight at the hellhound, impaling him in his chest. Jordan dropped to his knees, his fire going out from the wound. Y/n looked with wide eyes. Valack took her distraction and Stiles pushing Corey off of himself to make his escape with Lydia. "No, Lydia!" Y/n yelled when they passed her and she scrambled to her feet to follow. Valack closed a door and locked it behind them. He knew a simple door wouldn't hold the witch, which is why he put a little something extra on it's surface.

When Stiles managed to get back up he immediatly turned to follow Y/n, but paused when he saw her tense shoulders, fists curled so tightly they shook as she stood in front of the door. "Y/n?" He cautiously called, taking slow steps when he saw the flash of purple reflected in the glass.

"He coated the door in mistletoe." Her voice was deadly calm, but Stiles knew her well enough to know she was now beyond royally pissed off.

"It's okay. We'll get through." He promised as he gently made her take a few steps away before he tried to open the door himself, but it was locked.

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