☽︎The Beast of Beacon Hills☾︎

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Deciding to divide and conquer, Y/n sent Lydia to stop Jordan from leaving with Noah's aid while Y/n herself went to check on everyone else. She found them at Scott's house, minus Liam and Mason, with McCall himself wounded and bloodied. Y/n helped Kira settle Scott on his bed before she sat next to her friend. "I don't think you can help heal this." Scott said, already guessing at what she was going to do.

"The only good thing about housing double the witch souls is that I can. Now tell me what happened." She requested and Kira rattled off as much information as she could while Y/n worked on healing Scott's wounds. After they had gotten Coach to actually come back and, well, coach, he ended up not forfeiting like they had planned. Plan B was Malia would disable the transmitting news vans, but after she had done that, one of them had gotten repaired and transmitted anyways allowing the Beast to transform again. He attacked, injuring and chasing people who had ran to the school for shelter. Scott and the pack had done what they could to protect people until the Beast finally left them alone, but he had done severe damage to Scott.

The only upside was Scott had gotten the Beast's scent and, with Liam, was able to follow it to a car in the school parking lot, breaking open the trunk and finding the blood-soled shoe. They soon discovered the car turned out to be Mason's as the boy himself had caught them in the act. But this meant that Mason was the last chimera, the teenager trapped within the Beast every transformation and at risk for being taken over completely. Before they could do anything Corey had appeared and then promptly disappeared, taking Mason with him. Liam was now out searching everywhere he could while the others came back to Scott's house to recuperate.

Y/n had healed most of Scott's wounds, leaving just small scratches that would heal before morning came. Kira took Y/n's seat when the witch had stood, telling Scott to rest before she left his room and closed the door behind her. "Hey." Stiles called, walking up to her as she turned to him.

"Hey." She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around him, his going around her in turn as they just held each other for a minute. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there." She apologized, voice slightly muffled by his shirt.

"No, don't do that. I'm kind of glad you weren't."

"I could have helped."

"Or you could have been hurt worse."

"I doubt it. I heal faster, remember? Plus the Beast is remembering who he is, and because I look just like Ophelia, I don't think he'd do anything to hurt her."

"We don't know that for sure. Still. I'm glad you're safe."

"I'm glad you're safe too." She leaned her head back to look at him for a moment. His eyes traveled over her face, always seeming like he was trying to memorize her features even though by now he could probably draw her perfectly from memory, a sentiment she shared. When Stiles brought a hand up to hold the side of her face she leaned into it, lips brushing his palm in a feather light kiss before he pulled her closer for a proper one. She sighed against him, letting herself relax in his touch for a moment of reprieve from everything going on.

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