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"Derek, come with me. Now." Y/n didn't give the wolf much choice as she dragged him away from Scott and Allison by the vault. When they were out of earshot she looked at him upset. "What the hell, man?"

"She needed to know and he needed to tell her." Was all he said.

"Yeah, but not like that. Can you imagine what that would feel like, finding out that your mother tried to kill someone you loved? I get that you have a bit of a grudge with her, but she's still just a teenager who lost her mother." Derek looked at the ground. He didn't say anything, but she didn't really expect him to. "Come on." She spoke softer. "She's this way." Y/n already knew what they're going to find, she saw it in Isaac's memories, but seeing it with her own eyes made it that much more real. Erica's body was left in an old supply closet, left there because they didn't care about her. Y/n didn't bother to hold back the tear that blurred her vision momentarily. Erica is... was a sweet girl who deserved better than she got. When Derek picked her up in his arms Y/n could feel his grief. She was his pack. She can imagine how awful losing a pack member would be, especially for the Alpha. Y/n stood in front of Derek, and with the lightest touch closed the girl's eyes and fixed her hair around her face. "Illa volat cum sua alas suas ad sidera."

"What does it mean?" He asked. He vaguely recognized the language as Latin, but didn't know it's meaning.

"'She flies with her own wings to the stars'." It was a witch's send off to one of her own when the grimoire is burned, or to a close friend who she lost to fate. Y/n wasn't as close with Erica as she is with Lydia, but saying this for the girl felt right. She let Derek lead the way back to Scott and Allison where the pair had just finished talking and just noticed the man with the girl.

Later the three supernaturals split up to find the two rouge wolves. Y/n stuck close to Scott as they trailed Boyd. He had cornered two kids in an old storage shed and had lifted the structure off of the ground, throwing it aside with ease. Y/n found the jar of fireflies the boy and girl had been collecting. She took the lid off and tossed to Boyd's feet. The insects escaped their glass confinement and flew around the teen, distracting him enough for Y/n and Scott to swoop in and take the kids away. But in making sure the kids were safe they lost Boyd.

"You lost them?" Derek asked when Scott called him.

"Yeah, we kind of had to."

"Wasn't exactly the plan."

"I know, which is why I think we should stick together. Trust me, he's too strong, too fast, and way too angry for one person to handle. We've gotta do this together."

"Look, I'm at the trails by the entrance to the preserve. Can you meet me here?"

"Yeah. Just gotta drop something off first." He looked at Y/n who had her arms over the kids as they clung to her sides. Once the kids were safe they met up with Derek and then they ran through the woods, Y/n using her magic to be able to keep up with them on foot. They stopped when they spotted tracks. "Is it them?"

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