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(New gif for 3b! I have to say I'm super proud of this one and it may be my best yet ÙwÚ 3 Y/n clips that had 43 frames all together that I edited frame by frame over several passes 😅 needless to say it took a while but I'm very happy with it all 🥰)

(Edit: I fixed up the gif a bit, just made it neater and added a watermark)


It's the middle of the night, most house lights are off and everything is restful. Well, almost everything. Stiles turns in his sleep and grips the sheets of his bed. His face scrunches in fear and sweat coats his brow as he takes quiet gasps. "No, no, no, no, no..." He mumbles. "Don't let them in." His voice is a small whimper. "Don't let them in. No, don't let them in." He writhes in his sleep and wakes with a start, his arms going up and meeting with metal. It takes a moment for his brain to catch up and when it does he realizes he's standing in a locker. He looks out through the slats but when he doesn't see anything he starts to bang on the door. He keeps at it until the door bursts open and he stumbles out, now free. He takes in his new surroundings and finds he's in the school locker room.

He leaves the room and glances down both ends of the hallway. It's dark and empty. He's the only one there. He walks to another hallway and spots one of the classroom doors are open. He looks at it and slowly makes his way inside, but what he finds isn't what he expected. The Nemeton is in the middle of the room, seemingly having grown through the floor. When he's standing next to it he reaches a hand to the surface, but before his hand can touch the old wood vines sprout up and roughly grip it.

He sits up with a start in his bed again and pants. "Stiles, are you okay?" Y/n sits up in the bed next to him, placing a comforting hand on his arm.

He lets out a breath. "Yeah, I was just dreaming." He lightly shakes his head. "It was weird. It was like a dream within a dream."

She frowns at him, moving her hand up his arm to sit on his shoulder while the other rests on his knee. "A nightmare?"

He sighs. "Yeah." He puts a hand over hers and rubs his thumb along her skin and she rubs soothing circles on his shoulder. He furrows his brows and looks at her. She gives him a small smile but his confusion is growing. He didn't remember her staying the night. "Wait a second, Y/n. What are you doing here?" His bedroom door creaking open distracts him as they look over at it seeing that it was now ajar. "Hang on." He starts to get up but she holds onto his hand to stop him.

"Stiles, what are you doing?"

"I'm just gonna close the door."

"Just go back to sleep." She holds onto his shoulder now trying to get him to lie down again.

"No, no, I should close it."

"Don't worry about it."

"What if someone comes in?" He gets out of her hold and stands up, his eyes never leaving the dark space beyond the door.

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now