☽︎A Novel Approach☾︎

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"Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a mes-" Y/n sighed as she pulled the phone away from her ear, getting Stiles' voicemail yet again.

"He's still not answering?" Malia asked.

Y/n shook her head. "No. He probably left it on silent." She tried to make excuses in her mind, tried not to worry too much, but the sudden pain on her right shoulder was making it very hard not to. "I'm gonna head to his house and see if he made it home. I'll call you later, okay?" Malia nodded and the sisters split ways, Malia going home, and Y/n starting her trek to the Stilinski household. She found his Jeep parked in front of the house and made her way inside.

Y/n opened her mouth to call out to him, but the sound never made it past her lips as she was hit with a wave of a medley of negative emotions, and she knew they were all coming from Stiles. She quickly ascended the stairs and down the hall to his room where she found him on the verge of tears, looking at his glass board and not even realizing who was at his door. Without a word she moved around the board, gently putting a hand on his arm. When he finally noticed her, his expression seemed to crumble and he practically fell into her waiting arms. She lowered them to the ground and held him while he clung to her, body shaking from his flurry of emotions. As she quietly consoled him her eyes found the board again, fresh pen marks on the glass that had been smudged from someone trying to erase it before it was fully dry. Only a few words remained unmarred and that, paired with the scent of blood coming from his shoulder, only made her worry grow. It took a little bit, but when he finally seemed calm enough she gently held him by the shoulders to face him, ducking her head to catch his eyes, which he almost avoided. Almost. But when she softly asked him what happened, a loving and concerned gleam to her eyes, he couldn't hold it back.

And so he told her everything. How he woke up at the library and started to leave when the Jeep acted up again. How when he was trying to fix it, Donovan, new and improved with wendigo teeth that spawn wherever he wants, surprised him and bit his shoulder. Then Stiles hit him with a wrench and fled to hide in the library, Donovan following him and taunting him. Then when Donovan found him he had to run to the scaffolding in the library, the chimera following him up the structure. Stiles' only way of defense was to pull a pin that was holding up loose pieces of scaffolding, hoping that it would knock Donovan off of him so that he could escape. But it didn't go as planned. Donovan became impaled on one of them, the bar right through his chest making him cough up blood. Stiles went to help despite the boy having just threatened to eat his lungs, grabbing the bar to possibly pull it out. But he stopped when Donovan's head fell back, his whole body now limp and unmoving. Donovan was dead, his red and silver blood flowing down the bar and pooling on the tarp-covered ground.

Stiles had called the police, not speaking when the dispatcher answered, still too in shock of what happened. He had retrieved his phone from Donovan's pocket and left the library door ajar after he left. He sat in his Jeep in the parking lot, not able to bring himself to leave until someone found Donovan, but when the officer that had arrived started to leave he turned on the police scanner, hearing the officer call it in as a prank call. Stiles went back in and found Donovan's body gone, the tarp taken away, and the bars propped neatly to the side. He thought for a moment that maybe none of it really happened, but the blood on the bar told him otherwise.

Just a Feeling (Stiles x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now